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它是江南陆块与华夏陆块神功运动形成的碰撞拼贴带。It is a collision zone between Jiangnan landmass and Cathaysia landmass.

德克萨斯州占美国大陆面积的十二分之一。Texas constitutes one-twelfth of the continental landmass of the United States.

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大约2.5亿年前,地球只有一块大陆,称作原始大陆。Some 250 million years ago, the Earth contained a single landmass known as Pangaea.

在自己真的到达印度之前,他也没有意识到自己到达了一个新大陆。He also did not anticipate running into a landmass before he reached the East Indies.

大红山岩群是扬子陆块西南缘的结晶基底。Dahongshan Rock Group is the crystalline basement in the SW margin of the Yangzi Landmass.

没有哪块大陆能够阻挡南海的怒涛。但海鸟却能在狂风席卷的小岛上筑巢安家。No landmass slows the swell of the southern oceans. Sea birds nest on wind-lashed islands.

是的,相比于为一片广袤大陆上的3亿9百万美国人服务,让5百万的小岛居民满意是较容易的。Yes, it is easier to serve 5m people on a tiny island than 309m Americans on a vast landmass.

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西湖还只是处于扬子古陆南部边缘的一处拗陷地带。West Lake situated in the depression zone on the margin in the south of the Yangze old landmass.

数百万年前,南半球各洲组成了一个大陆,称为冈瓦纳大陆。Millions of years ago all the southern continents formed a single landmass known as gondwanaland.

日本土地总面积为37.8万平方公里,比美国加利福尼亚州的面积还小。The entire landmass of the country is 378,000 sq. kilometers, an area smaller than that of California.

日本土地总面积为8万平方公里,比美国加利福尼亚州的面积还小。The entire landmass of the country is 378,000 sq. kilometers, an area smaller than that of California.

剑桥公爵与公爵夫人在栖息着成群秃鹰和潜鸟的旷野之地享受蜜月旅行Duke and Duchess of Cambridge enjoy honeymoon trip to wilderness landmass inhabited by bald eagles and loons

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为你的未来生活做准备,你并不一定需要知道西弗吉尼亚州的首府在哪里,也不需要知道智利的国土形状如何。To be prepared for your future life, you don't need to know the capital of West Virginia or the landmass of Chile.

云南某地红宝石矿床则赋存于扬于地块西缘的陆内造山带。This ruby deposit in Yunnan, however, is occurred in the inland orogenic belt of the west margin of Yangzi Landmass.

另外一位意大利人亚美利哥·维斯普西则认为,欧洲西侧的这大片陆地是一块全新的大陆。A second Italian, Amerigo Vespucci , actually argued that the landmass to the west of Europe was a whole new continent.

云南楚雄盆地位于扬子陆块的西南边缘,为一典型的中生代周缘前陆盆地。The Chuxiong Basin in Yunnan on the southwestern margin of the Yangtze landmass is a Mesozoic peripheral foreland basin.

萑香洼金矿床产于华北陆块南缘中元古界熊耳群火山岩系中。Huanxiangwa gold deposit is formed in Proterozoic Xionger group volcanic rock in the southern range of North China landmass.

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他们推测这座岛屿可能是曾经大陆板块上从苏格兰延伸至挪威的某一部分。They speculate that the island may have even been part of a much larger landmass that once stretched from Scotland to Norway.

中纬度大陆的北部平原地区有丰富的花岗岩和多种石英石构成的丘陵和台地。The northern plateau region of the midlatitude landmass has an abundance of granite and quartz varieties forming hills and MESAS.

加里东运动以后,扬子和华夏陆块拼合成统一的华南板块。After the Caledonian orogeny, the Yangtze plate and the Cathaysia landmass were matched together to be the united plate of south China.