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会发生幻像读。A phantom read can occur.

幽灵似的骑马人在夜间催马而过。Phantom horsemen rode by in the night.

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假黎明的魅影尚未消遁Before the phantom of False morning died

那多出来的11张幽灵选票从哪里来的?Where did the 11 phantom votes come from?

那神出鬼没的偷吃蛋糕的人又来过这儿了!The phantom cake eater has been here again!

但是幽灵想把克里斯汀占为己有。But the Phantom wanted Christine for himself.

这是“叶子长号上的歌剧魅影”。This is Phantom of the Opera on Leaf Trombone.

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会发生不可重读和幻像读。An unrepeatable read and phantom read can occur.

从幻影手指上,传来阵阵深及骨髓的痛。He felt a bone-deep ache in his phantom fingers.

幻象行会在该隔离级出现。Phantom rows can appear with this isolation level.

真见鬼,是这么回事。有人记得任天堂的“灵幻道士”么?Heck yeah, anyone remember Phantom Fighter on the NES?

安装所需的打样机卷幻影大会。Install the desired proofer roll in the Phantom assembly.

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拉乌包尔试着告诉她说没有戏院魅影。Raoul tries to tell her there is no Phantom of the Opera.

实际上疼痛本身就是一个幻觉,一个脑中的幽灵。Indeed, pain itself is an illusion, a phantom in the brain.

不要为去解决这些幻想的问题而使自己陷入泥潭,效率下降。Don't bog yourself down trying to solve these phantom issues.

那是出自我自己的灰和热、来到我跟前的幻影。Out of mine own ashes and glow it came unto me, that phantom.

这种非阻碍物引起的堵车叫做“幽灵塞车”。Such"phantom jams" occur when there is no obvious obstruction.

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布鲁图斯梦中幻觉杀死凯撒。The phantom of the slain Caesar appeared to Brutus in a dream.

展项中的铜鼓影像、幻影绣球等也别具一格。The bronze drum image and phantom silk ball have a unique style.

我自己也喷射着,流动者,像个幽灵古怪地飘着,此刻在这里。Myself effusing and fluid, a phantom curiously floating, now here.