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这是他说过最有智慧的话。It's the wisest thing he ever said.

有时候,孩子是我们当中最聪明的。Sometimes kids are the wisest of us all.

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上智的心灵乃仍然有待学之处。The wisest mind has something yet to learn.

无论在任何地方,他们都是最聪明的人。Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magi.

最聪明的人也并不具有绝对的智慧。The wisest man is not endued with perfect wisdom.

最明智的选择就是着重于眼前。The wisest choice is to be intentionally shortsighted.

当你向神说"是"时,就是最有智慧的时刻。Your wisest moments will be those when you say yes to God.

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在一切授受礼物的人当中,象他们这样的人也是最聪明的。Of all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest.

有时,最明智的做法是忍痛割掉损失,向前走。Sometimes, the wisest thing to do is cut our losses and run.

所以,都说人类是世上的万物之灵。That is why man is often called the wisest of all creatures.

他看起来很傻,但似乎能总是能提出最明智的建议。Fool as he looks , he always seems to make the wisest proposals.

所以说最后,最好的办法,就是小心的让他们解体消亡。The wisest move, in the end, is to carefully let them wither away.

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在许多方面,美国是世界上最英明的国家。In many ways, the United States is the wisest country in the world.

所以,这两个傻瓜其实是最聪明的人,就像那三位东方的贤人。So those two foolish people were the wisest of all. They are the Magi.

谢谢老天,那是我们所做过最明智的决定,得到的好处真多。Thank God it is the wisest decision we have ever made. It profits us so much.

打动人心最高明的办法,就是跟他谈他最珍贵的东西。The wisest way to move people, that is, talk to him his most precious things.

我想到某个山顶上,同世界上最睿智的人在一起汲取智慧。I want to be on a mountain-top with the wisest of the wise, soaking up wisdom.

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你们中间最聪明的,也仅是一个植物和鬼影的不调合物。Even the wisest among you is only a disharmony and hybrid of plant and phantom.

打动人心最高明的办法,就是跟他谈他最珍贵的东西。Touching the wisest solution, is talking to him about his most precious things.

一个不识字的放羊娃在有关羊的知识方面比饱读诗书的人所懂得要多得多。A shepherd who cannot read will known more about sheep than the wisest bookworm.