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强风把帆扯破。The gale split the sails.

大风毁了我的房子。The gale did for my house.

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风把树刮倒了。The gale uprooted the tree.

这些天一直刮大风。There is a gale these days.

大风吹得房子都摇晃了。The house shook in the gale.

刮了一夜狂风。The gale blustered all night.

大风刮了一夜。The gale blustered all night.

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暴风把帆船刮得倾斜。The gale careened the sailboat.

疾风吹倒了许多树。The gale prostrated many trees.

狂风把旗杆吹倒了。The gale blew down the flagstaff.

树被大风拔了起来。The tree was torn up by the gale.

房子在狂风中倒塌了。The house crumpled up in the gale.

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一阵大风把我的帽子刮走啦。A gale blowing away my hat suddenly.

大风把船刮得撞在岩礁上。The gale drove the boat on to the rocks.

大风中船的缆索断了。The ship parted her hawsers in the gale.

窗门被大风吹开了。The window blew open in the strong gale.

前桅杆在大风中折断了。The foremast carried away in the strong gale.

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屋顶的瓦片被大风刮了下来。During the gale roof tiles came hurtling down.

大风把船吹离了航道。The ship was driven by a gale from its course.

狂风突然猛袭大西洋海岸。A strong gale swept down on the atlantic coast.