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开个心理诊所。Open up a psych clinic.

你想给我来个下马威?Are you trying to psych me out ?

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非紧急状况,带她到精神科。No emergency. Take her to psych.

是的,我看过你的心理鉴定报告了。That's right. I read the psych records.

这可是”Psych,Review“里的一篇科学论文。This is a scientific paper in the Psych Review.

第三个是提倡人们使用精神护理犬。A third is to advocate for people who use psych dogs.

你运气不错在精神病区转送过来一个人…As luck would have it, I found him in the Psych Ward.

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我必须要离开精神病区,把事情安排好。I just need to get out of psych ward to set things up.

主要是考虑到你的心情,她不能对一个男人当面拒绝。To you Psych majors, she can't say no to a guy's face.

Michael昏昏沉沉地坐在精神病区接待室内。Michael sits comatose in the psych ward receiving room.

Manche在精神病区溜达,收拾弄脏的工作服。Manche strolls around psych ward, picking up dirty art smocks.

他企图在心理上击败竞争对手看来是可行的。His attempt to psych out the other competition seemed to work.

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原来,爸爸早猜透了我的心思,自己私藏了一盒。Originally, dad early psych out my mind, oneself conceals a box.

我在心理学介绍之中学到了,而你的同学就会非常的高兴。I learned that in Intro Psych. And your roommate would be very pleased.

她的这一年从“拜访”警局、住院和精神失常开始。Her year began with a police visit, hospital stay, and psych evaluation.

如果我问别人,“你这学期的心理学导论学到怎么样?”If I asked people, "How well are you doing in Intro Psych this semester?"

英汉使役心理动词按形态可分为四大类。English and Chinese psych causative verbs fall into four broad categories.

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又一个勤杂工绕行于监狱精神病区的电视间,用纸杯分发药片。Another orderly walks around the psych ward TV room, handing out pill cups.

由于警报响起,犯人们慢慢从精神病区走出,来到漆黑的院子里。Due to the alarm, the inmates from Psych Ward filter out into the dark yard.

一位CCNY的教授在一个让人很感兴趣的生理课程上讲述了有关香蕉的魅力。A professor at CCNY for a physiological psych class told his class about bananas.