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土星质量大,引力也大。Saturn quality, gravitational next.

我们转移他的重力中心。We shift the gravitational center of it.

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这是重力势能。This is the gravitational potential energy.

就像重力势能。It is the same thing as gravitational energy.

比如说,是引力场。If you think,for example,a gravitational field.

它们很有可能就是引力波源。They are likely sources of gravitational waves.

这种超级天体如同一个引力透镜。That massive object acts as a gravitational lens.

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这个效应被称为引力红移现象。The effect is known as gravitational redshifting.

你们看,是重力势能。mhy You see? mgy is gravitational potential energy.

注意,重力势能,是减小的。Notice the gravitational potential energy goes down.

在重力场或者电场里面,就做不到了。A gravitational field or an electric field, you can't.

所以只有重力-,起作用。So it's only mg that matters-- the gravitational force.

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注意,这里,重力势能是增加的。Notice that the gravitational potential energy increases.

黑洞的万有引力很强,能把光线吸进去。Their gravitational pull is so strong, they absorb light.

在摄影作品中,我想脱离地心引力。In art I want to be free from the earth’s gravitational pull.

在一维或二维空间,引力波无法存在。Gravitational waves can't exist in one or two-dimensional space.

这是重力加速度,如果在这掉一个物体。That's the gravitational acceleration if we drop an object here.

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另一条路是去计算相关的地心引力。Another approach is to compute the gravitational forces involved.

黑洞的引力场是如此强大以致于即使是光都无法逃逸出去。The gravitational field is so strong that not even light can escape.

一种因引力而沿轨道绕行星旋转的天体。A heavenly body kept in orbit around a planet by gravitational force.