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客人们都为它倾倒了。The guests had been raving about it.

我的老板是一个咆哮着的疯狂的奴隶驾驭者。My boss is a raving lunatic slave driver.

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但是,我却是存在在这样的呓语般的幻想中。But I do exist in this raving like a fantasy.

暴徒怒气冲冲地闯进了办公室。The mob burst into the office ranting and raving.

我说的是预言者的思想吗?或者我是在胡言乱语?Is it the prophet's thought I speak, or am I raving ?

他像个疯子一样胡言乱语。我们都听到了,是吗?He was raving like a lunatic. We all heard him, didn't we?

胡编乱造出道理是取悦神,而怀疑则是罪过。Raving of the reason was likeness to God, and doubt was sin.

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即便如此周董歌迷依然给予高度好评。As expected, Pres Chou's fans gave raving reviews to the new song.

我从一个朋友那里听说的,他对那里赞不绝口。I just heard about it from a friend and he was just raving about it.

据相关报道,绵羊和鹿也是吸食鸦片“上瘾”的动物。Sheep and deer have also been reported as being raving opium fiends.

常饮绿茶对人体有很多好处,甚至有些研究者们为它疯狂。Green tea is so good for you that it's even got some researches raving.

冉阿让直着双眼,老望他,以为他在说胡话。Jean Valjean stared him straight in the eye and thought that he was raving.

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人们在饱餐一袭霓虹之后,有多少恶梦,呓语中有几分安稳与从容?People in a raid neon, how many nightmares, raving somewhat stable and calm?

您的朋友和家人不明白你是演说和狂言的。Your friends and family do not understand what you are ranting and raving about.

但是对于我来说,这种交替—在办公桌前疯掉——是不值得的。But for me, the alternative — going stark raving mad at my desk — isn’t worth it.

对儿媳妇或女婿咆哮不会解决任何问题。A ranting and raving session with the daughter or son in law, does not solve anything.

至于那些不明所以的人,因果报应就是主宰道德因果关系的规律。For those who wonder what I have been raving about, karma is the law of moral causation.

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哦,没什么大不了的,只是一群电子产品狂热者大赞特赞苹果公司的最新产品而已。Oh, it's no big deal, just a bunch of technophiles raving about the latest Apple's products.

尽情去感受滑稽幽默的雷曼世界,勇敢地向疯狂的兔子、格罗伯克和其他邪恶力量挑战吧!Discover the zany world of Rayman and go up against the Raving Rabbits, Globox, and many others!

然而,不管她怎么怒吼咆哮,他们依然总是迟到,还满是怨气。Yet, despite all her raving and ranting, they always arrived late, surrounded by an angry cloud of silence.