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她的红铜色头发飞扬着。Her coppery hair danced about her head.

哈利低头看到了深绿色的山脉和湖泊,在夕阳下泛着紫铜的光泽。Harry looked down and saw deep green mountains and lakes, coppery in the sunset.

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在几秒钟内,空间站就从沐浴着闪耀光芒进入了完全的黑暗。For a couple of seconds, the space station is bathed in a coppery light and then complete darkness.

修船中常会遇到铜质舵承出现松动,舵承座孔被腐蚀的情况。Coppery rudder bush loosen and corrosion of rudder bracket are found frequently when vessel is in repair.

本文介绍了纯机械加工真空水冷铜铸模的性能。This paper introduces the performance of vacuumized and water-cooled coppery casting moulds made solely by machining.

科学家介绍说这次奇观发生在星期四,月全食表面通常呈现出铜色。Scientists said the specific phenomenon happening Thursday — known as a "deep lunar eclipse" — often exudes a coppery color.

科学家介绍说这次奇观发生在星期四,月全食表面通常呈现出铜色。Scientists said the specific phenomenon happening on Thursday —known as a "deep lunar eclipse" —often exudes a coppery color.

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它的花香特别,棕粉红色的花朵在夏季突然绽放,重瓣花朵蓬松松占上弯曲、多刺、稍带红色的枝条。The sweet perfume is memorable, as is the sudden lavish display in summer of coppery pink, loosely double flowers on arching, thorny, reddish stems.

上图这套铜质宇航服是由“蒸汽朋克服装资源库”的梦想家们设计的,这套服装与后面风沙肆虐的红色星球看起来相得益彰。The coppery costume depicted above, brought to you by the dreamers at Steampunk Costume Resources, looks perfectly at home amidst the rusty sands of the Red Planet.

在殷商时代,青铜器得到广泛使用,像矛,匕首,戟,剑,大刀,同时这些武术技术也得到了进一步的改进。In Yin and Shang Dynasty, some coppery weapons like spears, daggers, halberds, axes, swords broadswords had come out. Meanwhile how to use these weapons appeared, too.

玉环县江南阀门厂创建于1988年,位于中国铜阀门之都浙江省玉环县境内。Yuhuan Jiangnan Valve, factory was established in 1988. It locate in the churchyard of Yuhuan, Zhejiang Province, which is called the capital of Chinese coppery valves.

书架上摆满了书和各种工艺品,铜制的野猪以及造型美丽的佛手是很艺术性的书立。On the bookshelf filled up with book and all sorts of handicraft, the fingered citron with coppery boar and beautiful modelling is very the book end of artistic quality.

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这些折射的光线大多数处于光谱的红光区域,因此,从地球上看来,月球变成了红色、黄铜色或者橙色色调,有时甚至会变成褐色。Most of this refracted light is in the red part of the spectrum and as a result the moon, seen from Earth, turns a reddish, coppery or orange hue, sometimes even brownish.

通过浇铸铜合金,成功地制备出了造型复杂、制作精美、尺寸精度高、表面光洁的铜“鼎”艺术品,实现了金属艺术品无模快速制造。So it is helpful to fabricate coppery art "Ding" with complex sculpt, exquisite making and good surface finish, and to realize fast manufacture of metal artwork in no need of mould.

尤其是那一群绚烂的槭属植物——枫树——它们那发脆的、闪亮的叶子变成了深深的铜红色,在今天灿烂的秋日暖阳里熠熠闪烁。In particular, a group of glorious acers — maples — whose crisp, shiny leaves have turned such a deep, coppery red that they are positively glowing in the glorious autumn sunshine today.

在这次月食中,在北美洲最佳观测点可以看到在寒冬的天空中出现一轮铜黄色的月盘,这是因为月亮由于地球黯淡阴影的中心滤过的光芒而变红了。During the eclipse, the best viewing in North America found the coppery lunar disc high in a cold winter sky, the Moon reddened by light filtering into the Earth's dark central shadow or umbra.