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每天都充满刺激和新奇。Every day was exciting and adventuresome.

一个饥饿的用餐者很快会变成一个相当探索精神的人。A hungry diner can quickly become a more adventuresome one.

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孩子们好奇,他们感兴趣,他们富有探索意识的。Kids are curious, they're interested and they're adventuresome.

会找到一些有用的新途径这里的病人培养富有创新精神的口味。Will find some usefully novel approaches here to patient cultivation of adventuresome palates.

通常有一人在一个关系,这是更开放的态度,和冒险精神比其他人。There is usually one person in a relationship that is more open-minded and adventuresome than the other person.

最近出现了名为“ZEORaid”的开放源代码解决方案,更富有冒险精神的开发人员可能希望试用一下。An open-source solution named "ZEORaid" has recently emerged with which more adventuresome developers might want to experiment.

芝加哥大学研究人员说,胆小的大鼠与那些胆子较大的大鼠相比,更可能得癌症,而且更早死亡。Researchers at the University of Chicago say timid rats were more likely to develop cancer and to die sooner than more "adventuresome" rats.

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斯堪的纳维亚地区的历史包括芬兰,挪威,瑞典,冰岛,丹麦和格陵兰等,远远超出了海盗的冒险范围。The history of Scandinavia, including Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark and Greenland, extends far beyond the adventuresome Vikings.

1889年,芝加哥显示著蒸蒸日上的生气,即使是年轻的姑娘也敢于冒险到这里来,试一试命运。In 1889 chicago had the peculiar qualification of growth which made such adventuresome pilgrimages even on the part of young girls plausible.

哥有着得天独厚的发展条件,甚至连年轻姑娘也会不畏风险地到这里来碰运气。In 1889 Chicago had the peculiar qualifications of growth which made such adventuresome pilgrimages even on the part of young girls plausible.

有一定距离的旅行将充满冒险的乐趣,因为火星和金星在肩并肩的在你表发现,乐趣和学习的宫内运行。Distant journeys are due to be adventuresome fun, for both Mars and Venus are traveling arm in arm in your house of discovery, fun, and learning.

尽管有些导游推荐当地社区的宵夜,但在我们在巴黎停留的十天期间,每天我们都喜欢在酒店吃早餐。Although some guides recommend adventuresome A. M. feasting in local neighborhoods, we enjoyed breakfast at the hotel every one of our ten day stay in Paris.