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疏离感了。Sense of alienation.

马克思把这种扭曲叫作“异化”。Marx called this perversion "alienation."

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是什么构成了劳动的异化呢?What constitutes the alienation of labor?

疏离感是她小说的一个重要的主题。Alienation is a central motif in her novels.

马丁跟他的家人越来越疏远了。Martin's alienation from his family continued.

动产转让是指属人动产的完全转让。An assignment is a total alienation of chattels personal.

然而,他们的异化理论同时带有很大的局限性。Meanwhile, they have a lot of limits on the alienation theory.

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其他导致夫妻感情破裂的情形。any other circumstances causing alienation of mutual affection.

他带着生疏感和距离感面对死亡。He faces his death with a feeling of alienation and being alone.

典故的翻译,可以采用释义、加注、异化法。We can use paraphrases, notes and alienation to handle allusion.

然而,大学第一年我始终有种疏离感。However, a sense of alienation followed me through my first year.

直至诉请分居为止,没有一个男人知道女人的爱的价值。No one know the worth of woman's love till he sue for alienation.

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饮食紊乱和身体异化归咎于美的理想。Beauty ideals are blamed for eating disorders and body alienation.

直至诉请分居为止,没有一个男人知道女人的爱的价值。No one knows the worth of woman's love till he sues for alienation.

本文主要探讨的就是伦纳德·巴斯特的异化。The current paper mainly focuses on the alienation of Leonard Bast.

在他起诉分财产以前谁也不知道女人爱的价值。No one knows the worth of woman's love untill he sues for alienation.

自尊是影响高中生疏离感的重要因素。The self-esteem is the main factor effecting the sense of alienation.

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资车主义制度是人与自然关系异化的根源。The root of alienation between man and the nature is capitalist system.

于是极右势力利用这种政治疏远感大捞了一笔。And the ultra-right has demagogically preyed on this political alienation.

不过柯恩兄弟不像其他人那样深深地感受到影片的另类。The Coens, though, don't quite do deeply felt alienation like anyone else.