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那么,我们如何与教义上的背道作战呢?How, then, do we fight against doctrinal apostasy?

教令全基督教会议的教义或纪律法令。A doctrinal or disciplinary act of an ecumenical council.

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如果你有一个教义上的问题,你该看哪卷书呢?If you have a doctrinal problem, where are you going to go?

神所喜悦的敬拜是既有深挚的情感,又合乎教义原则的。God-pleasing worship is deeply emotional and deeply doctrinal.

在经文中,该词出现于三类主要的教义语境。In the suttas the word occurs in three major doctrinal contexts.

申请人是否强调任何在教义上的观点?Does the applicant have any doctrinal views, which are over-emphasized?

他并不在乎各宗教上的理论差别,这正是他母亲担心的地方。He had little use for the doctrinal distinctions his mother worried about.

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教条化的不重视并非解决教条差异问题的良方。Doctrinal indifference is no solution to the problem of doctrinal differences.

本课题即对此现象在学理层次所做的广告理论应对研究。This article makes relevant advertising theoretical study on doctrinal levels.

但它似乎只有不大的理论意义,几乎没有什么历史意义。But it seemed to be a minor doctrinal point, with little historical significance.

材料不应由于党派意识或教义否定,而遭到禁制或移除。Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

材料不应由于党派意识或教义否定,而遭到禁制或移除。Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval. II.

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这是一部把改革宗信仰深层的教义植入人心的极杰出罕见作品。It is a rare work that applies the deep doctrinal truths of the reformed faith to the hearts of men.

牧者们也已经在敬拜,圣乐神学内容上不看重了。Pastors have neglected their rightful oversight of worship, including the doctrinal content of the music.

这是一个真实的字典佛教教义,用八里佳能及其评论。This is an authentic dictionary of Buddhist doctrinal terms, used in the Pali Canon and its Commentaries.

这也许是现在弥漫渗透在整个余民教会中最致命的错误教义之一。This is probably one of the most deadly doctrinal errors now permeating the remnant church at all levels.

就设计来说,这个比喻蓄意误读科学以取得教义效应。In the case of design, the metaphor intentionally misrepresents the science so as to make a doctrinal point.

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第一,他坚定地确信所有宗教都是真实,每一个学说体系都代表着神的道路。First, he was firmly convinced that all religions are true, that every doctrinal system represents a path to God.

经文系列或日课提供了合乎圣经的素材,包含着各种富含教义和实践的内容。The lectionaries or pericopes offer biblical material that is varied and rich in doctrinal and practical content.

而围绕此问题的种种争辩与分歧,皆有其历史根源和学说史背景。However, various disputes and divergences about the issue have historical origin and doctrinal history background.