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伊斯兰都教授我们什么?What dose Islam teach?

李萍喜欢吃肉吗?Dose Li Ping like meat?

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这个标牌是什么意思?What dose this sign mean?

剂量存活曲线呈现-“肩区”。The dose survival curve of E.

幽灵潜艇究竟从何而来?Where dose the uso come from?

这房间有盥洗间吗?Dose the room have a lavatory?

不要超过建议服用量。Do not exceed recommended dose.

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这个包花了你多少钱?How much dose the bag cost you?

哎的真正寄义是什么?What dose true love really mean?

那男孩一口气把药喝完。The boy took the dose at the gulp.

他配出了一服药。He measured out a dose of medicine.

游牧文化该怎样继续下去?How dose nomadism culture continue?

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这种药只须一剂就能让你通便!A dose of this stuff will purge you!

是在问这些产品是否起源于一个礼品盒吗?Dose these items come in a gift box?

按照月经周期给药治疗为突出特点。Dose according to the catamenia cycle.

要想补铁,就找野牛。To get a good dose of iron, try bison.

每个白宫办公室都不一样。Each White House dose very differently.

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什么是安全剂量的亚硝酸钠?What is the safe dose of sodium nitrite ?

在海德公园门口见你方便吗?Dose it suit you at the gate of Hyde Park?

他给我开了一剂治感冒的药。He gave me a dose of medicine for my cold.