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姜还是老的辣。Aged ginger is more pungent.

姜还是老的辣。Aged ginger is more pungent.

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他们闻到一种刺鼻的气味。A pungent odour met their nostrils.

乔说,黑松露气味和味道辛辣。It has a pungent , odour and flavour.

樟脑丸的味道刺鼻。The smell of mothballs is very pungent.

这是一种辛辣而带刺激性的物质。This is an acrid and pungent substance.

这就是那尖锐而有独到之处的论点。This is the pungent and original argument.

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空气中顿时充满浓郁的刺激性气味。The air thickened with the musky, pungent odor.

难闻的臭豆腐味弥漫在空气里。The pungent smell of stinky tofu fills the air.

作为气味符号,麝猫香是法国的骄傲。It is a pungent symbol of pride for the country.

不管怎么说都粗鄙,坏脾气,刻薄。She's rank, ill-tempered, pungent in all senses.

HF有一种刺激性气味。它是极强的腐蚀剂。HF has a pungent odor. It is extremely corrosive.

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湘菜的特点在于味浓和味辛。It is characterized by thick and pungent flavors.

甜酸苦辣,都要尝试。Sour, sweet, bitter, pungent , all must be tasted.

“买鞋时发出难闻的脚臭”般的尴尬。"pungent foot odor in the shoe store"embarrassment.

淡兰色粉末,有较强的氯刺激性气味。Light blue powder, with strong chlorine pungent smell.

将一瓣大蒜打碎,可以闻到辛辣的芳香味。Smash a clove of garlic and take in the pungent fragrance.

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选择时,应避免用有刺激性气味的装饰板。Choices, should be avoided with a pungent odor of decorative plate.

所谓“五味”,指的是酸、苦、甘、辛、咸五种滋味。Five flavors include sour, bitter, sweet, pungent and salty tastes.

中医学上以干燥的花蕾入药,性温,味辛。Chinese medicine to dry on the buds medicines, warm in nature, Pungent.