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好企业是负责任的。Good businesses are responsible.

这讲话很好很负责。Thisis good and responsible talk.

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他应该对此事负有责任。He should be responsible for that.

所以你要对你的权利负责。So be responsible with your power.

而我被认为大功臣。And I am deemed responsible for it.

但是这个男人要有责印。But this man has to be responsible.

谁是那个应该负责的人Then who are the responsible players?

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我们须为自己的回应负责。We are responsible for our responses.

我对这个小生命付有责任。I was responsible for this young life.

现在你要为所有事负责。Now you are responsible for everything.

你们的职责是阅读。You, you're responsible for the reading.

她负责制定旅行行程表。She is responsible for the tour schedule.

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一个负责任的人从不逃避责任。A responsible man never evades his duties.

我负责广告设计。I was responsible for advertising designs.

我善于与人相处而且很负责任。I’m good with people and very responsible.

老师们能按时到校,也很认真负责。Now they come on time and are responsible.

他们富有经验和责任心。They are very experienced and responsible.

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而且都要各自负起责任。and to be personally responsible for that.

她们都很有责任心,也很健谈。All are very responsible and communicative.

保护森林,人人有责。Every one is responsible to protect forest.