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于955年收回全部主权。Full sovereignty was restored in 955.

今天,我想跟大家聊聊关于主权的一些东西。But today, I want to talk about sovereignty.

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哦,父神,为着你的主宰权柄,我敬拜你。Father God, I worship You for Your sovereignty.

这是行使主权的正常活动。This is a normal activity of exercising sovereignty.

中国对南沙群岛拥有不可争辩的主权。China holds indisputable sovereignty over Nansha Island.

一是国家的本质,然后才是君权。One is the state of nature and the other is sovereignty.

首先,以西结得到神的异象,并认识神的主权。Firstly, Ezekiel had a vision of God and His sovereignty.

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人的权利,人民的主权,活见鬼!The Rights of Man, the sovereignty of the people, sapristi!

香港主权于一九九七年回归中国。The sovereignty of Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997.

然而,国家却以一种奇怪而凶猛的力量捍卫自己的主权。Yet states guard their sovereignty with a strange ferocity.

中国对钓鱼岛拥有不可争议的主权。China owns indisputable sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

中方对钓鱼岛拥有无可争辩的主权。China enjoys indisputable sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

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乌苏里江流域,而俄罗斯有超过西伯利亚的主权。Wusuli Jiang basin, while Russia had sovereignty over Siberia.

只有国家才能在自己的领土上行使主权行为。A state alone can perform acts of sovereignty on its territory.

民主政治是一种主权在民的政治制度。And the democracy is a political system of people's sovereignty.

“主权问题是不能谈判的”。The question of sovereignty of is nonnegotiable or not negotiable.

我意愿我能量流的独立自主以及我梦想的毫无连线。I intend sovereignty of energy flow and non-attachment in my dream.

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西班牙放弃对古巴一切之宣有权及佔享权。Spain relinquishes all claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba.

这些措施不必具有干预性,无需涉及主权。These measures need not be intrusive, or infringe upon sovereignty.

你认为钓鱼台既主权应该属于边个国家或地方?。Which country do you think has sovereignty over the Diaoyu islands?