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艾伯林侦探“上帝会帮助我们。”Det. Aberline God help us.

本文概述了民族关系理论体系的主要纲目。This paper expounds the det ailed outline of this system.

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恐怕没别的错误比更有损他的利益的了。There is, perhaps, no mistake more det ri men tal to his interests.

目的研究三消丹的制备工艺及其质量控制标准。Objective To explore the preparation and det er mination of Sanxiaodan.

塞林格警探和布莱恩特警探发现很难与新来的反黑小组上司彭特警探一起工作。Detectives Salinger and Bryant find it difficult to work with Det . Puente, the leader of the gang task force.

中远集团敢于让挪威船级社进行报告的审核说明了中远集团的诚意。Submittal of the sustainable development report to the Det Norske Veritas for audit shows sincerity of COSCO Group.

斯特拉斯克莱德警局的德特皮特麦克派克警官负责了调查安妮的失踪谋杀案件。Det Ch Insp Peter McPike from Strathclyde Police led the police investigation into Anne Brown's disappearance and murder.

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自2006年起,谷歌也开始低头,不过,它会向用户提供更多细节,说明信息是在何时被屏蔽掉的。Since 2006, soh as Google, although in a form th at gives users more det ails about when information is being kept from them.

宝华所有高压气站设备的生产都参照最高标准,并通过挪威船级社关于海洋地震勘探标准的认证。All installations are manufactured according to the highest standards and are certified for marine seismics by Det Norske Veritas.

结果表明,此法克服了颗粒度效应,避免了铂黄坩埚腐蚀的危险,同时由于它的高度均质化,提高了测量的准确度,测量结果令人满。The results show that with the method, the effect of particle size was overcome, the corrosion of crucibles were avoided, and the det.

如果你让别人走在你的前面,那麽你们到达的目的地会是同一个地方,而且他开的车会得到最后一个停车位。If you allow someone to get in front of you, you both will have the same destination, and the other car will det the last parking space.

本文通过笔者的工程实践,介绍了工程量清单的概念,论述了使用工程量清单招投标的程序。Through engineering practice introduce concept of engineering quantity det ailed list expound how to use engineering quantity detailed list.

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横田空军基地第13航空队第1分遣队的飞行教练员马塞洛·莫拉莱斯少校说,日本空中自卫队飞行员至今训练情况良好。The JASDF pilots have executed the training well, said Maj. Marcelo Morales, an instructor pilot with the 13th Air Force, Det. 1 from Yokota AB.

公司已通过ISO9001–2000国际质量体系认证,及中国船级社和挪威船级社认可。The company has passed ISO9001-2000 international quality system certification, and the China Classification Society and Det Norske Veritas approved.

本文系统地介绍了多媒体CAI课件的开发过程及方法。并对可能出现的问题进行了详细的阐述。In this paper, the process and method of developing MCAI courseware a re systematically introduced, and frequently-asked-questions are answered in det ail.

密度泛函方法定性地区分了亚甲基上两个氢的不同,对碳的化学位移计算要比从头算法稍好。The DET method qualitatively distinguishes the two hydrogen atoms in methylene , and the results for carbon are better than those determined by ah initio method.

下面请挪威船级社副总裁毕浩然先生讲话并宣读中远集团可持续发展报告审验意见。Next, let's welcome Mr. Bjorn K. Haugland, Vice-President of Det Norske Veritas to deliver a speech and read the assessing opinions for the COSCO Group Sustainable Development Report.

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侦破负责人,警司史蒂夫·韦德说,在“大规模的繁复调查中”,警方检查了超过6000部手机和成百上千的互联网使用请求。Det Supt Steve Wade, head of the inquiry, said more than 6, 000 mobile phone checks and hundreds of internet usage inquiries had been made during the "large and complex investigation".

在互联网上快速搜索,你会搜出数百万条有关新奇身份证的结果,但是,SCD6的负责人侦探行政总监奈杰尔·马维尔解释说,这些生意也许只是为更罪恶的业务打掩护。A quick search on the internet will throw up millions of results for novelty IDs, but as Det Chief Supt Nigel Mawer, head of SCD6, explained, these may just be a front for a more sinister business.

根据单线列车运行调整的特点,建立了单线列车运行图的离散事件拓扑图模型,并在此基础上提出了单线列车运行调整的迭代修复算法。A discrete event topologic diagram model was derived according to the characteristics of the single-track railway diagram, and an iterative repair method was developed on the basis of the DET model.