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气候非常宜人。It's very pleasant.

因为这是个艳阳天。For it is a pleasant day.

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祝你们俩一路顺风。A pleasant journey to you!

4月气候宜人。April is a pleasant month.

应聘者必须拥有令人赏心悦目的体型。Must have pleasant nature.

祝您过个愉快的周末,先生。Have a pleasant weeked, sir.

他朝我们嫣然一笑。He gave us a pleasant smile.

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很髙兴能在这里和您会面。So pleasant to meet you here!

相信我,那绝对会是一个惊喜。That was a pleasant surprise.

这支歌很好听。This is a very pleasant song.

他性格开朗。He has a pleasant personality.

希望你在这里待得愉快。Wish you a pleasant stay here!

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今日凉风习习,非常舒适。It's breezy and pleasant today.

我们经常度过愉快的课间休息。We often have a pleasant break.

他是一位举止文雅的人。He is a man of pleasant address.

祝您在店口二小度过美好的时光。Wish you have a pleasant stay in.

你能看见一个愉快的动物园管理员。You can see a pleasant zookeeper.

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这些树为人们提供荫凉。The trees afford a pleasant shade.

今天的天气非常好。The weather is ver pleasant today.

在这个书房里工作令人感到舒适。This study is pleasant to work in.