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我目睹了大量的蹂躏和恐惧。I witnessed a lot of devastation and horror.

可是,大破坏后的恢复工作却需要花上数年。But it can take years to recover from the devastation.

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破坏已经扩展到了维加斯的每个角落。The devastation has spread into every aspect of Vegas.

亚当蹒跚而行,沿路留下毁坏的痕迹。Adam stumbles on, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake.

去年秋天造成了无以言宣的破坏和毁灭。Unutterable destruction and devastation were wrought last autumn.

破败遍布世界,猩红的天空炙烤着下方的人类。Devastation over the world, bloodred sky burning the humans below.

对感应海啸破坏直接曝光是羞耻的。Firsthand exposure to the tsunami-induced devastation was humbling.

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在这一片残骸和废墟中,没有好客的地方可以躲躲。There is no hospitable place to hide amongst all the debris and devastation.

我谈到了卡特里娜飓风,所带来的灾难,我的母亲失去了她的家。I speak about the devastation from the hurricane Katrina My mom lost her home.

在亲眼看到破坏的情形之后,潘基文说当地的惨况令人心碎。After seeing the devastation firsthand, Mr. Ban called the scenes heartbreaking.

狄奥多西港口���发现让工程师们了解到海啸的潜在破坏。Harbor discovery informed engineers of the potential devastation from a tsunami.

洪水也向西扩展进入俾路支省,也在当地造成破坏。Floodwaters also spread west into Balochistan, causing devastation there, as well.

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倾重于某一食物的一个或两个品种会造成对常规的破坏。Leaning heavily on one or two varieties of a given food is a formula for devastation.

冰冻能力是很独特的,如果使用得当将会给敌人造成巨大的灾难。The Cryo- powers are unique powers that can cause great devastation if used correctly.

卡特琳娜飓风造成的损坏将永远深深地烙进国人的记忆。The devastation of Hurricane Katrina will forever be seared into our country's memory.

沃特斯,注册护士和语言学家,经验丰富的破坏艾滋病的第一手资料。Watters, a registered nurse and linguist, experienced the devastation of AIDS firsthand.

他们的信仰被彻底否定这一事实,反而使他们更加坚定了信仰。The devastation of all they had believed had made them even more certain of their beliefs.

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3月13日,一位女士对日本北部宫城县的名取的破坏感到悲痛。A woman mourns the devastation of Natori, Miyagi Prefecture, in northern Japan on March 13.

“在中国不断涌现的有关生命财产损失和灾难的报道是非常令人难过的”,他又补充说。Emerging news of the loss of life and devastation in China is deeply saddening, " he added."

但当我看到烟尘和熔岩穹丘里令人难以置信的扇形毁灭时,我震撼了。When I saw the smoke and the incredible devastation fanning out below the rim, it stunned me.