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平克顿和领事敲门进来。Pinkerton and the Consul knock at the door and enter.

1889年被Pinkerton侦探事务所抓获,并在认罪后被处以绞刑。Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.

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蝴蝶向平克顿吐露,她已暗地里信奉了基督教。Now Butterfly confides to Pinkerton that she has secretly embraced Christianity.

在这里的平克尔屯学院兼职教授英语文学。Starts part-time position teaching English literature at Pinkerton Academy in Derry.

夏普勒斯深受感动,走前他答应要把孩子的事告诉平克顿。Deeply moved, Sharpless promises to tell Pinkerton about his son and takes his leave.

她的钱差不多全用完了,要是平克顿不马上回来,大祸就要临头。Her money is just about gone and a catastrophe is imminent unless Pinkerton returns soon.

1887年,他成为由著名的Pinkerton侦探事务所进行的一次重要调查中的关键人物。In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency.

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蝴蝶企图自杀,死得荣誉,平克顿已采取一切都是宝贵的她。Butterfly attempts suicide, to die with honor, as pinkerton has taken everything that is precious to her.

她在屏风上挖了三个小洞,从洞里她们可以观看盼望已久的平克顿到来的情景。In the screen she makes three tiny holes through which they can observe the expected arrival of Pinkerton.

著名的美籍苏格兰裔警探艾伦品克顿,由于疏忽照料舌头割伤而死于坏疽。Famous Scottish-American detective Allan Pinkerton died of gangrene because he didn't treat his cut tongue.

侦探力量投降,但是被当地人野蛮的打击,为了安全起见被关了起来。The Pinkerton forces surrendered, but were brutally beaten by the locals as they were taken to jail for their safety.

蝴蝶冲进屋来,但不敢开口向领事打听平克顿,接着她发现了凯特,明白了对她的要求是什么。Butterfly rushes in, but does not dare ask the Consul about Pinkerton. Then she notices Kate and understands what is. expected of her.

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1997年,在配合专辑发行的巡回演唱结束之后不久,乐队似乎从这个星球上消失了。Shortly after the tour in support of Pinkerton was completed in 1997, it appeared as though Weezer had fallen off the face of the planet.

Pinkerton博士称,在该项研究之前,医生用三苯氧胺治疗和预防雌激素受体阳性乳腺癌。Prior to this study, tamoxifen was used for the treatment and prevention of oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancers, Dr. Pinkerton said.

印第安纳州公路部门发言人吉姆·平克顿说,工作人员正在使用铲雪车清除积雪,关闭了两条公路。Indiana State Highway Department spokesman Jim Pinkerton said that the staff are using snow removal snow removal vehicles, closed two roads.

“快乐理论”背后的思想,是由保罗.阿布拉姆森和史蒂文平克顿的理论发展而来的--即快乐本身是进化上的选择。The idea behind pleasure theory -- a theory developed by Paul Abramson and Steven Pinkerton -- is that pleasure itself is evolutionarily selected.

见面介绍已毕,新娘告诉平克顿她娘家原颇富有,后来遭到不幸变故,于是她被迫当艺妓为生。When the introductions are over, the bride tells Pinkerton that she comes from a once rich family that later met with ill-fortune, whereupon she was forced to earn a living as a geisha.