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全红时段?。All-red Interval?

到幕间休息的时候了。It 's time for an interval.

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辨认所弹奏的音程。Identify the interval played.

它不在这段间隔时间。It is nowhere on this interval.

调度程序流程检查间隔Dispatcher process check interval

按指定时间间隔重复发生。Recur at a specified time interval.

记忆跳越时间间隔。The mind leaps an interval of time.

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对修约间隔亦有论述。Rounding interval is also discussed.

时间强化则是间隔一定时间才给予奖励。An interval is over a period of time.

下半场伊拉克队控制了比赛节奏。Iraq took control after the interval.

最小超时时间间隔已经过去。The minimum time-out interval elapses

下半场伊拉克队控制了比赛节奏。Iraq took control after the interval.

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我喜欢在幕间休息时吃冰激凌。I like to eat ice cream in the interval.

我们刻画了无套利区间。We characterize arbitrage-free interval.

音程跳动较大。The musical interval jitterbug is bigger.

不为零的无穷小时间间隔infinitesimal interval of time not yet 0.

它的更新间隔甚至缩短到了一天。Its update interval could even be one day.

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有一长两短幕间休息。There are one long interval and two short.

中间只少要间隔二小时。There is an interval of two hours at least.

八音度的音程和和音。The interval and the consonance of an octave.