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肉青白细嫩,且无泥腥气。Tender, and no meat stimulation mud gamey smell.

优雅及独特的野味混然一身。ELEGANCE and unique GAMEY flavour certainly comes along.

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毕竟,这种巨大的鲨鱼对咬碎体形较大味道不好的人类不感兴趣。After all, this monster of a shark has no interest in chopping a big, gamey human.

带有浓郁的红果实的香气,并带有烟熏、烘烤类及轻微的皮革香气。A lot of red fruit in the nose, combined with smoky and roasted flavours. Gamey and leathery notes.

闻上去是由香草带出的樱桃和李子的香味,并加上橡木和一些野味的混合味道。Succulent black cherry and plum aromas lifted by vanilla, spicy oak and with a slightly gamey complexity.

成熟多汁的樱桃、浆果和李子的味道混合成浓郁的口感,还有一丝摩卡的香味。Succulent ripe cherry, berry and plum fruits combine with gamey savory notes and a hint of mocha on the nose.

深红宝石色,泛着砖红色色调,散发出稍浓郁的新鲜成熟浆果果香,与香料芳香完美结合。Deep ruby with brick red tinges. Slightly gamey nose with fresh ripe berry fruits and spice with well integrated.

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具明亮的宝石红色,入口呈跟泥土气和野味有强烈反差的玫瑰花香料混合香气。A potpourri of rose petal and spice aromas are a surprising contrast to the earthy, gamey flavors which unfold in the mouth.

具明亮的宝石红色,入口呈跟泥土气和野味有强烈反差的玫瑰花香料混合香气。A potpourri of rose petal and spice aromas are a surprising contrast to the earthy, gamey flavours which unfold in the mouth.

带白胡椒和黑莓的设拉子香气,蕴含中等浓度的番石榴以及香瓜味道。果味浓郁,单宁甜美,余味绵长。White pepper and black cherry nose, medium bodied guava, melon like fruit sweetness with strong chalky tannins and a long gamey finish.

入口后会出现一些复杂的动物味,在存放一段时间后你会感觉到这款酒越来越让人感兴趣。There are, however hints of gamey complexity on the mid-palate that are likely to develop and make the wine more interesting as it ages.

根据专家调查,代表中部地区的风味是野味。其中,这个小组品尝了当地的麦啤和春季羊羔肉。According to the experts, the flavours that represent the Midlands are gamey. The panel tasted the local pale ale and spring lamb, among other things.

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烹饪任何菜式最重要的是保持其鲜味和自然的风味,同时去除一切难闻的腥味。Of utmost importance in cooking any dish is preserving the fresh, natural flavor of its ingredients, and removing any undesirable fishy or gamey odors.

飞机停稳,穿过过道来到被埃航空姐刚启开的舱门前,一股清爽而充满海洋特有腥味的风迎面吹来,精神为之一振。Through aisle to hatch, the cleanly wind with ocean special gamey smell blowing my face, spirit got up. Looking up at the hatch, sun is too big, sky is too blue.

这样上面的鱼不易烧糊且受热均匀,入口果然鲜辣可口,无一丝鱼本身的腥味。Thus the above fish burns Hu and is subjected to not easily hot even, the entrance as a result is fresh and hot and tasty, none the gamey smell of the silk fish.

致力发展创意及高增值的数码流动娱乐业务,透过制作流动电话游戏及相关内容的配套,将特别的游戏角色和创新的游戏设计推出市场。Aims to develop creative and value-adding mobile entertainment business. Through developing mobile phone games and related programmes, Gamey Studio introduces new games and designs to the market.