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这种录相机是中国制造的。The VCR was made in China.

真的?但你没有录像机。Really.But you don't have a VCR.

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所以我希望他有一台好的录放机。And does your son have a VCR now?

这个录像机对我来说是太复杂了。This VCR is too complicated for me!

我新买的录放影机功能不太正常。My new VCR is not functioning right.

这是这台录影机的说明书。Here is the instructions for the VCR.

感谢上帝VCR被发明出来了。Thank God for the invention of the VCR.

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这台录放影机附有三年保证。The VCR carries a three-year guarantee.

所以我希望他有一台好的录放机。So I want him to have a good VCR to use.

请在下载页面中寻找。VirtualDub Sync VCR. Look in the download section.

史密斯太太直到买了放影机之时炎止,都习惯看电视。Mrs. Smith used to watch TV until she bought a VCR.

在录像机刚刚发明时,好莱坞甚至想起诉录像机的制造商,因为他们太怕盗版了。They were even considering suing the VCR producers.

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你就说我是87岁…害怕录影机的老太太,你渴吗。I'm an 87-year-old woman who's afraid of her VCR. You thirsty?

实际上我是在虞给我发来一段视频后才知道下雪了的。Actually I learned of the snowfall only after yoyo sent me a VCR.

但是他秋季就要上大学了,所以需要一台自己的录放机。But he's going to university in the Fall, so he needs his own VCR.

电影制作者说VCR和DVD将会给他们的电影业带来灾难。The VCR and the DVD, said movie studios, would kill their business.

在会议期间播放VCR盒带,不要用消音键。When play a VCR tape during a conference, do not use the mute button.

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但是我不会给录像机接上电线,好让孩子们看他们喜欢的录像。But I can't wire the VCR so my children can watch their favorite video.

自噬是VCR诱导的L02细胞自噬性凋亡所需要的。Autophagy is needful to autophagic apoptosis of L02cells induced by VCR.

怕伤祖母的心,乔伊赶紧自拍了一段持枪劫匪的戏录下来,并塞进了录象机。Joey quickly improvises a scene on video tape and slips it into the VCR.