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我对整个这件事发腻了。I'm sick of the whole shebang.

我对整个这件事腻歪透了。I'm sick of the whole shebang.

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不清楚工作对自己的要求。Hazy about demand from shebang.

整个事情使我觉得有点蹊跷。The whole shebang smells sort of fishy to me.

接着他们测试了整个过程,寻找星系合并的迹象。Then they tested the whole shebang for signs of galactic mergers.

然后您就可以编辑片断,加题目,音乐,以及把所有的录像带转成DVD。From there you can edit the clips, add titles, music, and burn the whole shebang to DVD.

他长着白胡子,大大的红脸庞,鲜红的帽子还飘着个球球,整个一个圣诞老人。He got the white beard, the big ruby cheeks, the bright red hat with the puffy ball—the whole shebang.

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所有伍德斯托克的拥蹙,都在期盼布鲁斯史普林斯汀,是否是此次盛会的神秘压轴嘉宾。And all the Woodstock wannabe's speculated whether Bruce Springsteen would be the surprise mystery final act to close the whole shebang.

干完直接把蔬果皮倒掉,把塑料袋洗干净留作改日再用,或者简单地直接把蔬果皮连同塑料袋一起扔掉。When you're done, flip the peelings into the garbage and rinse the bag to reuse another day, or simply toss the whole shebang into the trash.

我告诉你们,整个营地——女人、孩子、襁褓中的婴儿,所有的人——都请求离开育空地区到道森去,就像魔鬼斯克拉奇跟着他们一样。I tell you-alls the whole camp hits up the Yukon for Dawson jes' like Sam Scratch was after them, —wimmen, children, babes in arms, the whole shebang.

这使我们能够将表达式拼接到样板代码的位中,然后将产生的整个表达式转换为语法对象。This lets us splice the expression into our bit of boilerplate code, then the whole shebang is converted back into a syntax object as the final transformation.

但是,相对于让数百万美国失业者重新就业这一真正的问题而言,共和党和民主党之间如此微小的数字分歧只是小事一桩而已。But given the relatively tiny sum separating the Republicans and Democrats, the whole shebang is a silly sideshow to the real issue – getting America's millions of unemployed back to work.

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“我的发明,”乔骄傲地说,“比搓衣板和你的手指头强多了,一周至少能省十五分钟,干这种活能省计五分钟就不可小看了。”"My invention, " Joe said proudly. "Beats a washboard an' your knuckles, and, besides, it saves at least fifteen minutes in the week, an' fifteen minutes ain't to be sneezed at in this shebang."