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但是维洛那城是我的家呀。But Verona is my home.

伊斯克罗斯,维罗纳亲王。Escalus, Prince of Verona.

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别…别尝试给我下诊断,维罗纳。Don't try and diagnose me, Verona.

在意大利的维洛那城里,天气既炎热又潮湿。It was hot and humid in the Italian city of Verona.

维罗纳队进攻,艾瑞克单手投中两分篮。Verona attacks, Eric scores one-handed two pointer.

维罗纳队进攻,埃里克单手投中两分篮。Verona attacks, Erik scores one-handed two pointer.

切沃现看上了“老男孩”尼科拉·莱罗塔列。Chievo Verona are eyeing old boy Nicola Legrottaglie.

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对于“黄衫军”提出的主张,维洛并不认同。For the "Yellow Shirts" propositions, Verona did not agree.

我后来离开了维罗纳的那所大学转投了一所米兰高校。I left the university in Verona and started teaching in Milan.

他出生在维罗纳和接受早期音乐教育状况。He was born in Verona and received early music education there.

红色的石灰石是在维罗纳城边的山上开采出来的。It's in the mountains above Verona that the red limestone is quarried.

维洛一边扛起一扇似乎还能用的门,一边说。Verona side seems to still carry the one with the door, one side says.

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在1985维罗纳获得了scudetto,即意大利足球甲级联赛冠军。In 1985, Verona won the so-called scudetto, the national soccer championship.

就这样他在维罗纳的医院躺了一个多月,终于缓过来了。So he lay in verona hospital for more than a month, finally come round again.

切沃门将孔塞蒂承认他愿意回到以前效力的球队拉齐奥。Chievo Verona goalkeeper Emanuele Concetti admits he would love to return to former club Lazio.

还有维耶里和因扎吉,我被他在维罗纳的表现吸引,并仔细研究了他的跑位。The same with Vieri and Inzaghi, I was fascinated by him at Verona and watched and studied how he moved.

福永穿梭巴士于球会会所出发前15分钟在小区1号巴士站开始穿梭小区接载客人。The Fu Yong Shuttle Bus starts picking up guests at Laguna Verona 15 minutes before the Club departure time.

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穆图和吉拉以前在维罗纳和帕尔马搭档过,对于互相了解有优势。Mutu and Gila played together at Verona and Parma and would have the advantage of already knowing each other.

在从维罗纳到第一个住宿点帕尔马的路上,我们在路边不远的地方看见一座石塔,看起来这是个用午餐的好地方。On the way to Verona from Parma, the first overnight stop, we spotted a stone tower some distance from the road.

威尼斯和罗马是每个国家游客的必去之地,但中国游客还会去游览维罗纳。Venice and Rome are stops for every nation's tourists, but the Chinese grand tour also demands a visit to Verona.