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这个问题的严重性。Acuteness of this problem.

姨父看了她一眼,目光显得和蔼而犀利。Her uncle looked at her awhile with genial acuteness.

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尖锐湿疣的具体表现有哪几种?What are the specific performance of acuteness wet wart?

脚扭伤3个月了不能进行剧烈活动,求助大家!Crural sprain 3 months cannot have acuteness activity, appeal everybody!

但她说话时有点犹豫,这没有逃过孩子犀利的目光。But she said it with a hesitation that did not escape the acuteness of the child.

然而2004年的重庆商业地产则遭遇了一场剧烈的寒流。However the Chongqing commerce real estate 2004 encountered an acuteness cold current.

尖锐湿疣的饮食一定要合理,尽量少吃海鲜类食品。The diet of acuteness wet wart must be reasonable, as far as possible eat less seafood.

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黄色代表三角形,表示阳光、尖锐和成角状的感觉。Yellow represents a triangle, express the feeling of sunshine, acuteness and angularity.

老年痴呆症的流行也增加了人们对于大脑敏锐程度的担心。The growing prevalence of Alzheimer's has also heightened anxiety about mental acuteness.

其它欧元区国家也面临同样性质的难题,只是严重程度不同。Other eurozone countries face difficulties of a similar nature if not of similar acuteness.

舌咽神经痛是舌咽神经分布区发作性剧烈疼痛。Glossal pharynx is neuralgic it is glossa pharynx innervation area is paroxysmal acuteness ache.

噢,我没跟您说过你错把我当作疯子,其实那只是我的感官过于敏锐而已吗?And now have I not told you that what you mistake for madness is but over acuteness of the senses?

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具有对疣体破坏性的药物都能用于尖锐湿疣的治疗。Have ruinous to verrucous body medicaments to be able to be used at the cure of acuteness wet wart.

我国经济目前处于起飞阶段,产业结构剧烈变动。Our country economy is in takeoff phase at present, industrial structure is acuteness and fluctuant.

尖锐湿疣的复发往往都是在抵抗力低下时发生的,应多加注意。The relapse of acuteness wet wart often happens when the resistance is low, should pay more attention to.

为弄清并最终解决问题,你应该将狮子的综合能力和天蝎的敏锐结合起来。You can combine the synthesis of Leo with the acuteness of Scorpio to investigate and resolve many problems.

当您的身体出现了尖锐湿疣的症状后,请及时的到正规的专科医院接受对症治疗。When your body appears the symptom of acuteness wet wart, please go to regular hospital to receive treatment in time.

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其它症候变化较多,例如足部下凹、脊柱侧凸、听觉灵敏度的减退或者糖尿病的出现。Other signs are inconstant, such as the presence of hollow feet, scoliosis , decrease of the auditive acuteness or diabetes.

由于尖锐湿疣即使是潜伏期也具有传染性,所以大多数患者都会传染给其性伴侣。Because acuteness wet wart even if latent period also has infectivity, so most patients can be transmitted to its sexual partner.

尖锐湿疣是由于尖锐湿疣病毒的感染,导致皮肤粘膜的良性增生。Acuteness wet wart is the infection as a result of acerb wet verrucous virus, cause the benign proliferation of skin mucous membrane.