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另一种是障碍赛马。and the show jumping.

蹦跳的鱼跃出水面。The jumping fish broke.

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它出现得太早了It's jumping in too early.

我喜欢跳蹦极跳。I love bungee cord jumping.

我不喜欢玩蹦极跳。I don't like bungee jumping.

钢产量正在猛增。The steel output is jumping.

因此我们的目的是找出。They keep jumping up at you.

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我们来一个跳高比赛。Let’s have a jumping contest.

我的心吓得惊跳着。My heart was jumping with fear.

现在微软也掺和进来了。And now Microsoft is jumping in.

玛丽露从沙发上跳下来。Marylou was jumping off the couch.

一个小安竹在床上跳。No more Andrew jumping on the bed!

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不能再有猴子在床上蹦蹦跳了!No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

当我们离开时,晚会正进行得红红火火。The party was jumping when we left.

我是在玩悬崖跳水娱乐一番!I was cliff jumping. Recreationally!

看这疯丫头,跳呀笑啊,多开心。Looking at me, jumping and laughing.

我最大的嗜好就是蹦极跳。My favorite hobby is bungee jumping.

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看,那些兔子跳得正欢呢。Look, the rabbits are jumping happily.

跳绳也有可能折断胳膊。You could break your arm jumping rope.

跳进水内只能失掉暂时的缓解。Jumping into water is the only respite.