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是的,他是的,近卫步兵,我这样认为。Yes he did, Grenadier Guards, I think.

本-凯德尼在掷弹兵卫队服役。Ben Kidney served in the Grenadier Guards.

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他加入了英国近卫步兵第一团第二营。He joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards.

强大的多样性使得掷弹兵在战场上足以承担各式各样的威胁。This gives great versatility to the grenadier unit in taking on numerous threats on the battlefield.

尤甘达辛在1999年的印巴冲突中是印军掷弹营的一名士兵。Yogendra Singh Yadav was a member of an Indian grenadier battalion during a conflict with Pakistan in 1999.

伦敦地标图片。精锐护卫队士兵的成员行经白金汉宫的大门是放心的对于无经验的哨兵。Members of the Grenadier Guards march through the gates of Buckingham Palace to be relieved by fresh sentries.

在这以前,罗格已开过那种恶例,他不许法国羽林军士俘虏普鲁士士兵,违者正法。Roguet had set the lugubrious example of threatening with death any French grenadier who should bring him a Prussian prisoner.

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当一枚手榴弹炸伤了好几个德军后,他们决定撤退,把火焰喷射器和一个重伤的掷弹兵丢在了后头。When a grenade wounded several of the Germans, they decided to retreat, leaving the flammenwerfer and one seriously wounded grenadier behind.

百岁老人在孤儿院里长大,14岁时第一次结了婚。他参加过英国精锐部队的近卫步兵,并参与了第二次世界大战,之后又转到了海军。The centenarian who grew up in an orphanage and first married when he was14 joined the grenadier guards and served in world war ii before switching to the navy.

百岁老人在孤儿院里长大,14岁时第一次结了婚。他参加过英国精锐部队的近卫步兵,并参与了第二次世界大战,之后又转到了海军。The centenarian, who grew up in an orphanage and first married when he was 14, joined the Grenadier Guards and served in World War II before switching to the Navy.

十六岁生日刚过不久,杰米·琼斯就参加了英国近卫步兵第一团,十月五日,在第二次去阿富汗时,被塔利班炸弹炸死。Jamie Janes joined the Grenadier Guards shortly after his 16th birthday and was on his second tour of Afghanistan when he was killed by a Taliban bomb on October 5.