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他振作起来了吗?Did he straighten up?

熨平那件上衣,现在就干!Straighten up that blouse, now!

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将你的汗衫拉直。Straighten up your top singlet.

肱三头肌使手肘伸直。The triceps straighten the elbows.

竖直地将右腿伸直。Straighten the right leg vertically.

帮我把挂钟摆正。Help me to straighten the wall clock.

最好的整顿较长的遗产。Best straighten up for a longer legacy.

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第三步就是把排好的页拉齐。The third is to straighten up the sheets.

你得先把你的思路理顺。You should straighten up your ideas first.

努力的做下去可以弄直你的脊柱。Striving to do so will straighten your spine.

你能将保险杠上的凹处修理好吗?Can you straighten out the dent in the bumper?

体操有助于弄直受伤的手臂。Exercise helped to straighten the injured arm.

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在切割前先将材料弄直。Straighten out the material before cutting it.

轻轻的往上提耳朵以使耳道变直。Gently pull upward to straighten the ear canal.

也许宗教信仰可以使他改邪归正。Maybe religion should help to straighten him out.

我不知道该如何收拾这个烂摊子。E. g. I don't know how to straighten the mess out.

绕过小山之后,道路就会变得笔直了。The road will straighten after bypassing the hill.

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伸展膝盖但确保不要锁死。Straighten your knees but be sure not to lock them.

把那个撞坏了的给我,我来把它修好。Give me that bashed one, and I'll straighten it out.

伸直膝盖,大腿上方向内卷。Straighten your knees. Roll the upper thighs inward.