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尼科尔。基德曼是澳大利亚人。Nicole Kidman is an Australian.

约瑟夫和他的女儿尼可谈话。Joseph talks with his daughter Nicole.

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NPR新闻,妮可·比姆斯特博贝鲁特报道。Nicole Beemsterboer, NPR news, Beirut.

尼科尔高且瘦,有着红色的头发。Nicole is tall and thin will red hair.

米歇尔·尼科尔·李,圣·路易斯作家。Michelle Nicole Lee is a writer in St. Louis.

“我有严重晨吐反应”妮可说。"I've had severe morning sickness, " Nicole said.

“这个孩子有点完美主义,”妮可解释称。"She's a bit of a perfectionist," Nicole explained.

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这部电影以汤姆克鲁斯和妮可基嫚为号召。The new movie features Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.

奥斯卡会再度垂青于妮可·基德曼吗?Will a second Oscar have Nicole Kidman’s name on it?

关于安娜。妮可。史密斯的官司分别在两个法庭审理。Anna Nicole Smith is on the docket in two courtrooms.

忽然,尼科尔挣扎着大口呼吸空气。Suddenly, Nicole hyperventilates and struggles for air.

妮可儿和米雪从幼儿园开始就是好朋友了。Nicole and Michelle had been best friends since preschool.

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你一定不太了解妮科尔。她很坚强。You must not know a lot about Nicole. She is very resilient.

“没有,”妮科尔回答道,“我只是想追求我的梦想。”" No, " Nicole answered, " I just want to follow my dream. "

妮可刚从夏威夷搬过来,我们很高兴她能来。Nicole just moved from Hawaii, so we're glad that she's here.

来自妮可里奇的提示,用醒目的配饰来让这身装扮发挥到极致吧!Take a cue from Nicole Richie and add bold accessories to the mix.

当小崔告诉妮可他今天所遇到的怪事,她突然笑了出来。When Trey told Nicole about his strange day, she burst out laughing.

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妮科尔很喜欢戴她的钻石首饰,即使穿的是牛仔裤和白色T恤衫。Nicole loves wearing her diamonds, even with jeans and a white T-shirt.

我们有没有提到妮可基德曼和凯瑟厄本过去住在这里?Oh, and did we mention that Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman used to live there?

在南京东路上,很少有机会去看广告牌上的妮可·基德曼On Nanjing Dong Lu, the rare opportunity to see Nicole Kidman on a billboard.