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请给我一个烟灰缸好吗?Can I have an ashtray ,please?

请阁下把烟头放在烟灰缸内。Please put dog-end into ashtray.

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琪妮在他胸膛上放了一个烟灰缸。Ginny put an ashtray on his chest.

你能把那个烟缸递我一下吗?。Would you please pass me that ashtray?

我把香烟掐灭后扔入烟灰缸。I ground my cigarette into the ashtray.

我发信号叫侍者拿烟灰缸来。I signaled to the waiter for an ashtray.

请把香烟灰弹在烟灰缸里。Drop your cigarette ashes into the ashtray.

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他递给Sara一个制作粗糙的烟灰缸。He then hands her a poorly crafted ashtray.

一支香烟仍在烟缸里吐着缕缕青烟。A cigarette is still pluming in the ashtray.

他在烟灰缸内捻灭了他的香烟。He stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray.

你可以在那个烟灰缸把香烟弄熄。You can put your cigarette out in that ashtray.

真是很抱歉,我刚才打破了你的烟灰缸。I feel terrible, but I\'ve just broken your ashtray.

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他猛冲用现金砸那个过时的烟灰盘。He dashed to smash the fashionable ashtray with cash.

她从房间那端扔过来一只烟灰缸,差点击中我的头。She threw an ashtray across the room, narrowly missing my head.

更好的方法是,自己带一个口袋便携式烟灰缸在INTRO中使用。Better yet, bring your own portable pocket ashtray to use at INTRO.

那个服务员笨手笨脚,竟把烟灰缸掉到我的汤里。That waiter is so maladroit that he dropped the ashtray into my soup.

安得森先生抽完烟,把烟灰缸留在窗台上,熄灭油灯便上床睡觉了。Anderson finished the cigarette. He left the ashtray on the window ledge.

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我打翻了烟灰缸,所以我们需要个笤帚把那儿的脏东西清理一下。We need a broom to clean up the mess left when I knocked over the ashtray.

丘吉尔还曾把装黄油的盘子用作烟灰缸,这个盘子在去年拍出4200英镑的高价。A butter dish used as an ashtray by Churchill was sold for £4200 last year.

这个烟灰缸深得似乎盛的下世界上所有的烟头。This ashtray seems deep enough to hold all the cigarette ends in the world.