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你还嫌我唠叨。You just complained I am garrulous.

噢,饶舌的莺儿,你能告诉我吗。Oh, garrulous warbler, can you tell me.

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我也不知道的,只是多嘴。I also do not know, it is garrulous only.

孙子都这么大了,还贫嘴!Grandchildren are so big, but also Garrulous !

他几杯酒下肚之后便唠唠叨叨说个没完。He became garrulous after a few glasses of wine.

当支持一个定律时,科学家可能跟政客一样喋喋不休。Scientists can be as garrulous as politicians when propping up a bar.

她如此多话以致于常被罚写。She was so garrulous that she was frequently punished to write lines.

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两个多话的补鞋匠一同坐在老式长椅上干活。Two garrulous cobblers are working side by side on their ancient bench.

琢磨不住的鼓点,主唱有些癫狂又有点喋喋不休的唱腔,就是这支乐队的标签。The band is tagged by the unpredictable drumbeats with the maniac garrulous vocal.

“大黄”叨住那人的衣服,任你怎么说就是不撒。"Rhubarb" garrulous living man's clothes, how to say either you just do not spread.

难道喋喋不休,就不需要答复?难道多嘴多舌的人,就自然有理?Should not the man of many words be answered, or must the garrulous man necessarily be right?

在这么长的时间里独自一人,任何人会变得饶舌,而且社会交往的技能也会退化。Effectively being on your own for so long would make anyone garrulous and dim their social skills.

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他之前历经的峥嵘岁月,这位魁梧健谈的大人物都与他站在一起。In all the most striking events of his life so far, this burly, garrulous figure had been beside him.

她上了年纪,好唠叨,她故去的丈夫是典当商,为了某种虔诚的原因收集邮票。She was an old, garrulous woman, a pawnbroker's widow, who collected used stamps for some pious purpose.

柯立芝沉默寡言到了郁郁寡欢的地步,哈定则是个饶舌的花花公子,二人堪称绝配。Quiet to the verge of sullen, Coolidge was a perfect foil to Harding , a garrulous playboy of a president.

她不能太伶牙俐齿,并且她必须是保守,因为我是个比较传统的人。"She cannot be too garrulous , and she must be conservative because I am quite traditional, " he revealed.

喧哗的波浪,在不停地谈论那隐躲的珠宝,嘲笑那不懂得它们的意思的愚人。The garrulous waves ceaselessly talked of hidden treasures, mocking the ignorance that knew not their meaning.

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瑞苏格娓娓道来,一个有著稀疏黑色头发,胡桃肤色的人。"They're my kids, " said Rezzoug, a garrulous 45-year-old with thinning black hair and skin the color of a walnut.

凝缩的部位密度高,可有絮状、丝状、无色透明的混浊物。The place density of condensation is high, can have colorless and garrulous shape, filiform, transparent muddy thing.

他29岁,有着深蓝色的眼镜,絮絮叨叨不拘礼节,是个活泼、热情、典型的美国人。He is 29 years old, with quiet blue eyes and a garrulous informality that is explosive, intense and distinctly American.