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瘦可谓纯属虚荣。Thinness can be pure vainglory.

就像黄金打成透明的薄叶。Like gold to airy thinness beat.

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哦,是炎炎夏日令我消瘦Oh my thinness is caused by summer heat

苹果笔记本电脑这款笔记本电脑的打印厚度。Apple. MacBook print demostrating the thinness of this laptop.

通过膜厚度可得到高电阻值。High resistance values are a consequence of the thinness of the film.

这意味着,胖与瘦只是一枚硬币的两个面,因为它们可能是被同一类基因所控制的。It mean that fatness and thinness could be two sides of the same coin.

因为该单分子层的厚度可以节省涂覆材料。Coating material can be saved because of the thinness of the monolayer.

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但是今天的四年级女生受到了媒体上纤瘦形像的狂轰滥炸。But today's fourth-grade girls are barraged by media images of thinness.

他们多数时候能生存下来,但他们的脸皮之薄是出名的。They survive, for the most part, but the thinness of their skins is legendary.

凭着高超的技艺,他精雕细凿,木碗终于有了合适的厚度和形状。With great skill he slowly keeps cutting away until the bowl has the right thinness and form.

沿光环平面拍摄的照片有时能将这种纤薄度展现得充满戏剧性效果。This thinness sometimes appears in dramatic fashion during an image taken nearly along the ring plane.

研究人员发现,儿童对瘦身的关注比几年前有明显增长。Researchers have seen a marked increase in children's concerns about thinness in just the past few years.

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这篇头版文章激起一场关于美国人对纤瘦身材的推崇及其对儿童的影响的讨论。The front-page story helped spark discussions about America's worship of thinness and its impact on children.

此外,这项线上调查还发现,一国对于女性纤瘦外型的看法和这个国家的生活品质存在关系。The online survey also found a link between perceptions of thinness among women and a country's quality of life.

甚至大众媒体还在广告中利用公认的瘦和健康的文化价值来赢得商业利润。Even in advertising, the mass media 18 on accepted cultural values of thinness and fitness for commercial gain.

猪附红细胞体抵抗力的试验结果表明,猪附红细胞体对物理和化学药物的抵抗力较弱。The consequence indicated that eperythrozoon suis resis thinness to physics and chemicals in resistant experiment.

Captivate的厚度加上许多高科技特性使其成为一款很吸引人的手机。The thinness of the Captivate combined with lots of punch and high-end features make this a very attractive phone.

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本发明的电感结构不仅能够达到高电感值的效果,并且也能够达到薄型化的效果。The inductance structure of the invention can be used to realize the effects of high inductance value and thinness.

在滋生于宋代特定的社会文化土壤的隐逸精神的影响下,宋词形成了清旷、疏放、空淡的一脉审美风貌。Under the influence of seclusion, the song lyrics have features of clear wildness, sparse openness and empty thinness.

看到伊莎的第一眼,发现她非常瘦,两腿像棒球棍,胳膊像是笤帚柄。When I saw Isa, my first impression was her thinness. Her legs looked like baseball bats and her arms like broomsticks.