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你的下颌骨是身体里最坚硬的骨头。Your jawbone is the hardest bone in your body.

当你到终线时就停止看颌骨。Stop looking at the jawbone as your finish line.

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上周,阿鲁巴岛的一名游客发现了一个颚骨。A tourist in Aruba discovered a jawbone last week.

Jawbone希望用户能每天同步两到三次。Jawbone expects users to do that two or three times a day.

他打开盒子,里面是一个早已死去的男人的颌骨。He opened the box. Inside was the jawbone of a long-dead man.

在这款产品上继续传承欧克力运动品牌的神话。Oakley's legacy of sports performance innovation continues with the new JAWBONE.

颌骨图标处理与传统呼叫等待简单体验。Jawbone ICON handles the experience with the simplicity of traditional call-waiting.

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头骨碎片以实物的方式展出,而颚骨则只展出了照片。The skull fragment was displayed, but only photographs of Hitler's jawbone were on view.

几个月后,这些细胞会成熟起来,成为一个完全形成牙齿,颚骨融合的。Within months, the cells will have matured into a fully-formed tooth, fused to the jawbone.

“海怪梅尔韦雷”的颅骨化石和下颌骨化石在秘鲁沙漠的岩石中找到。Leviathan mellvillei's fossil skull and jawbone were discovered in these Peruvian-desert rocks.

一块带有三只臼齿的下颚骨在犹他州韦恩郡的千湖山1万英尺高处被发现。A jawbone with three molars was found 10,000 feet up Thousand Lake Mountain in Wayne County, Utah.

一块带有三只臼齿的下颚骨在犹他州韦恩郡的千湖山1万英尺高处被发现。A jawbone with three molars was found 10, 000 feet up Thousand Lake Mountain in Wayne County, Utah.

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Jawbone公司的一项研究发现每晚睡8-9.5个小时的人第二天情绪会更好。Jawbone study found that people who sleep 8-9.5 hours each night report happier moods the next day.

就算没有这个遗传启示,这个颚骨本身对这个个体的情况也提示的甚少。And even without the genetic revelations, the jawbone itself gives a few hints about the individual.

颚骨坏死是一种罕见但却很严重的状况,通常会对颚骨造成严重的损害。Osteonecrosis of the jaw is a rare but serious condition that can cause severe damage to the jawbone.

从一个古代北极熊颚骨上测得的最古老哺乳动物基因组,为动物与气候的紧密相关提供了线索。The sequencing of the oldest mammalian genome from an ancient polar bear jawbone provides clues about these

他见一块未乾的驴腮骨,就伸手拾起来,用以击杀一千人。And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men therewith.

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参孙说,我用驴腮骨杀人成堆,用驴腮骨杀了一千人。And Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an ass have I slain a thousand men.

如果智齿已经从腭骨萌出,但还没有从牙龈中长出,就称之为软组织阻生。If the wisdom tooth has erupted out of the jawbone but not through the gumline, it is called a soft tissue impaction.

它没有外接麦克风和捕捉用户的颚骨震动将它们转换为清晰和清晰的声音。It has no external microphone and captures vibrations in the user's jawbone converting them to crisp and clear sound.