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在举行葬礼以前尸体被放在棺材里。The body was placed in bier before burial.

从现在在,之上我在白天的棺架中睡觉。From now on, I sleep in the bier at daytime.

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遵义哪有肤美灵洗面奶卖?Zunyi has the beautiful bier of skin to wash milk sell?

的舞台越来越大,越来越多的会听到的话。Your arena is getting bier and more and more people will be hearing your words.

但是“好上司——烂公司”这种情况就像是铺着天鹅绒的棺材。On the contrary, a good boss in an inferior company is just like a bier which covered with velvet.

各界代表守候在灵棺前,向他表示他们最后的敬意。Representatives of various walks of life stood vigil by the bier and paid their last respects to HIM.

秃鹫在头上盘旋,更多的鸟集聚在草地上,就在停尸架几米远的地方。Vultures circle overhead, and many more are clustered on the grass, a few meters from the funeral bier.

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的事业将会变得更令瞩目从月7到7月1,由于土星在的名誉宫挪动转移。Your career will become a bier focus from April 7 to July 1, due to the move of Saturn in your house of fame.

阿里巴巴和几个邻居跟在后面,常常替换一下那几个抬棺墓的到墓地。Ali Baba came after with some neighbours, who often relieved the others in carrying the bier to the burying-ground.

唯一一名幸存者游泳23小时后抵达也门南部舍卜瓦省比尔阿里镇海岸。The only one of the survivors arrived in Yemen after swimming 23 hours Bier A town in southern coastal provinces She Bowa.

至于这家茶室是从何时开始经营,为什么以伊斯兰教的棺材作为装饰就不得而知了。As to this teahouse be from when to begin to manage, why to serve as adornment with Mohammedan bier with respect to unknown.

当牧师以祷告结束了他的悼词,一首赞美诗唱响了,抬棺人在棺材架边各就各位。When the minister had finished his eulogy with prayer a hymn was sung and the pall-bearers took their places beside the bier.

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在他的葬礼上,正当人们把他的棺材吊放进墓穴时,吊棺材的绳子突然扭了一下,棺材斜卡在墓穴沿上。On his funeral, when legitimate people puts his bier condole into coffin pit , the cord of condole bier was twisted suddenly, bier inclined card is on coffin pit edge.

茶室里的棺材完全按照伊斯兰教的风俗布置,每个棺材的四面都围有栅栏,以免人们在上面随意坐踏。The bier in teahouse is decorated completely according to Mohammedan custom, of every bier all around surround have the crib, lest people is above unthinking, sit step.

葬在大卫城自己所凿的坟墓里,放在床上,其床堆满各样馨香的香料,就是按作香的作法调和的香料,又为他烧了许多的物件。They buried him in the tomb that he had cut out for himself in the City of David. They laid him on a bier covered with spices and various blended perfumes, and they made a huge fire in his honor.