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它们全裂开了吗?Did they all bust open?

她的胸部很美。She has a beautiful bust.

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踩烂这个杂种的牙!Bust this bastard's teeth.

他鼻子上挨了一拳。He got a bust in the nose.

艾前往早矢香的半身像。Ai going for Sayaka's bust.

这是我显卡风扇的运转情况。My graphics card fan is bust.

两家银行现在都玩完了。Both banks have now gone bust.

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第三章,房地产市场的萧条。Segment three the Housing bust.

人们突然鼓掌欢迎。The people bust out applauding.

穿松紧线在中心聚集半身像。Gathered shirring at center bust.

在中心垂直能半身像。Vertical pleating at center bust.

那是一座石雕半身像。It is a bust chiseled from a rock.

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这场比赛对于蓝军来说,是场非赢即输的比赛。It is victory or bust for the Blues.

这孩子把闹钟弄坏了。The child has bust up the alarm clock.

但是,也许,一场萧条才是所需要的。But perhaps a bust is what was required.

到底穆帅和他的老板有没有决裂?Had the coach and his boss had a bust up?

后面是一尊放置在柱基上的宙斯半身像。Behind Nike, the bust of Zeus on a plinth.

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是的,这个物件是两个狼头的半身像。Yes, this item is a bust of two wolf heads.

目前看来,这个项目并不一定完全破产了。Yet, the project may not be a complete bust.

所以你就假装缉毒、演这么一处好让我就范吗?So you set up a pretend drugs bust to bully me?