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至少他的衣服。At least his clothes.

人靠衣服马靠鞍。Clothes make the man.

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我穿着怪异的衣服。I wear weird clothes.

把衣服脱下来。Take your clothes off.

你的衣服很合身。Your clothes fit well.

我可以补好你的衣服。I can fix your clothes.

很少买新衣服。Rarely buy new clothes.

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他们为你挑衣服。They pick your clothes.

捐出几件旧衣服。Donate some old clothes.

她穿着白色的衣服。She wears white clothes.

这些衣服经洗。These clothes wash well.

回避送衣服、香水。Avoid clothes or perfume.

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衣服是占有物。Clothes are a possession.

湿衣服容易烫平。Damp clothes iron easily.

湿衣服容易熨平。Damp clothes iron easily.

他把衣服弄脏了。He got his clothes dirty.

她的衣服脱立了。Her clothes were in rags.

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他的衣服穿烂了。His clothes are worn-out.

他的衣服该补了。His clothes need mending.

穿上你的工作服吧。Put on your work clothes.