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欢迎来到市中心东区。Welcome to the Downtown Eastside.

鞋店在购物中心的东侧,靠近自助餐厅。The shoe shop is on the eastside of the shopping center close to the cafeteria.

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卡梅隆给母亲布兰迪打了电话,布兰迪50岁,是从欧洲来的移民,当时在埃默里东城医疗中心工作。Cameron called his mother, Brandy, 50, from the ER at Emory Eastside Medical Center.

改革派计划于星期天举行一场穷人奥林匹克运动会,这个创意来自市中心东端的四个团体组织。Advocates plan a Poverty Olympics on Sunday, the brainchild of four Downtown Eastside groups.

世界各地的新闻都将目光聚集在与冬季奥运会市中心东区并列突出的该地。News accounts throughout the world have zeroed in on the striking juxtaposition of the Downtown Eastside with the Winter Games.

板桥断裂构造带位于板桥凹陷的东侧,受板桥凹陷和大张坨断层控制。Banqiao rupture structural belt is located on the eastside of Banqiao sag, which is controlled by Banqiao and Dazhangtuo faults.

它也会带来混合着高消费的居民,习惯于避开这个区域,因为它接近东边的商业中心。It should also draw a good mix of upscale residents who used to shun the area because of its proximity to the Downtown Eastside.

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特里小时候常常在卧室里,一边对着东面的华盛顿湖举目远眺,一边和母亲开着总有一天我会给你在东边买间大房子的玩笑。Terry used to look east, out the picture window in his living room, across Lake Washington, and joke with his mother that some day he would buy her a house on the Eastside.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省——这个城市绿洲被广泛认为是世界上最适宜居住的地方之一,位于市中心东区的15街区。VANCOUVER, British Columbia — In this urban oasis widely considered one of the most livable places in the world, the Downtown Eastside is about 15 square blocks of something else.

该项目地块是一个有组织的工业区,占地72亩,三面被农田包围,地块的西边平行于这个地区的主要河流。The project site is an organized industrial area of 72 acres of land surrounded by agricultural terrain except the Eastside that is parallel to one of the large streams of the area.

其中,游客服务中心设置在公园南大门向北90米、临近沙滩东侧的位置,将主要承担行李寄存、淋浴等功能。The tourist service center is located 90 meters northwards of the south gate in the park and was near to the eastside of the sand beach with major functions such as baggage deposit and bath.

“在世人的眼中,我们似乎把这一贫困聚集地置于不屑一顾的境地,”内部改革基金会负责人、在市中心东端工作的瓦莱丽·科尔斯说。“To the rest of the world, it’s like we’ve got this lepers colony that we just don’t look at, ” said Valerie Coles, director of the InnerChange Foundation, which works on the Downtown Eastside.