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芒果财政的目标指向一个乏味的市场——无银行账户的群体。Mango is aiming at an unglamorous market, the unbanked.

这名二十九岁的球员效力于西班牙的塞维利亚俱乐部。The 29-year-old plays for the unglamorous Sevilla in Spain.

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还有,它们非亮眼之处就是它们的有趣之处。and the, the unglamorous stuff about them that is what's fun about them.

普通股,比如道琼斯工业股,无趣又乏味,但是可以作为参考依据。Common stocks, like Dow Jones industrials , were unglamorous but usually dependable.

有个案例有效地说明了这一点——投资看似普通但却至关重要的水资源和卫生部门。There is a strong case for investment in the unglamorous but vital water and sanitation sector.

杰克逊还让安猪去打一个很单调的的角色,尽管安猪现在还在续约的事伤脑筋。Jackson is also asking Bynum to play an unglamorous role even though Bynum is up for a contract extension.

但政府还是太热衷于它的宏伟事业,纠正那些错误的事情的速度太过缓慢。But the government is still too fond of its grandiose projects and too slow to get unglamorous things right.

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这一乏味的背景和仓促的呼吁表明该协议不会很容易达成。The unglamorous setting and the last-minute nature of the call suggests the deal may not have been easy to broker.

也许正是照料孩子这种枯燥的工作,给人类提供了弄清楚怎么使用那些可恶扫帚的机会。The unglamorous work of caregiving may give human beings the chance to figure out just how those darned brooms work.

专卖店不仅仅只在北京和上海遍地开花,同时也出现在了一些稍逊魅力的省级城市例如合肥和石家庄。Shops are springing up not only in Beijing and Shanghai, but also in unglamorous provincial cities such as Hefei and Shijiazhuang.

二人设想的实现,需要在训练场上付出长期而枯燥的努力,球员也必须为了球队利益牺牲自我,默默无闻地执行任务。That took long, hard, boring hours on the training field, and players who were willing to perform unglamorous tasks for the good of the team.

我们这个旅游团亲身所邂逅的世界其实,比“欧洲”更欧洲—未加修饰,毫无魅力,而这些“茜茜公主”从未向我们提到过。In the flesh, the world our group encountered was, indeed, more Europe than “Europe”—unkempt and unglamorous in ways that Sissi never mentioned.

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而另一方面,价值投资者知道市场会忽视一些平凡的行业,所以他们会挑选象Knoll这样的股票,以希望找到一颗被低估的宝石。On the other hand, value investors, knowing that the market ignores unglamorous industries, seek out stocks such as Knoll in hopes of finding an undervalued gem.

中石化的业务大多是下游的炼油业务,做的是把未加工的原油转化为燃料的毫不出彩的工作,扩张业务的选择有限。Sinopec's mostly a downstream refinery business, doing the unglamorous work of turning unprocessed crude oil into fuel, and its options for expansion are limited.

德国备受称赞的中小型企业的成功是因为它们有远见,并在制造复杂最终产物的元部件的单调生意上有所专长。Germany's much-lauded Mittelstand companies have succeeded through foresight and by specialising in the unglamorous business of making parts for complex final products.