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DVD版电影是没有经过删节的。The movie in DVD is unabridged.

报纸上的那则消息是没有经过删节的。The message in the newspaper is unabridged.

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你总是一个完整无缺的个体。You are always whole and always unabridged.

作为一个全新的,未删节版。Being an entirely new and unabridged edition.

你读过那本书的全文版本吗?Have you read the unabridged edition of that book?

翻遍了全本的词典也凑不够词来形容啊。There are not words enough in the unabridged to describe it.

随着全球有声书需求飞升,人们想要听到大牌们朗读的足本有声书了。Now, with worldwide demand soaring, the stars want to be heard reading unabridged books.

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当地的图书馆里有你所能想像得到的所有方面的录音带资料。Local libraries store lots of unabridged audio tapes on almost every subject that you can imagine.

点击任何一个对象或是事件就可以调出一个原始的完整视频或是目标视频。Clicking on any individual object or event in the clip brings up the original unabridged video for targeted review.

虽然一本缩略版的词典使用方便,但它所含词条的释义却比完整的词典少得多。Though an abridged dictionary is convenient to use it contains far fewer definitions than an unabridged dictionary.

虽然一本摘要的词典方便使用,但它所含字词的定义却比完整的词典少得多。Though an abridged dictionary is convenient to use, it contains far fewer definitions than an unabridged dictionary.

但是,如果你想阅读这些中间步骤,那么你可以阅读这篇文章的删节版本。If, however, you wish to read about these intermediate steps then you can read the unabridged version of this article.

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如果你非常喜欢这个故事,又没读过未删节版的话,就应该找来企鹅图书出版的版本。If you really like this story and have not read the unabridged version, please do yourself a favor and find the Penguin publications.

也许对于这个观点最广为人知的论据就是一本在其他方面都很卓越的A。Perhaps the best-known argument for this view is found the unabridged edition of an otherwise excellent book, The Sovereignty of God, by A.

座龙寨是一个保持较多原生态文化、空间结构较完整的典型侗族村寨。Zuolong Village is a typical Dong Minority village that maintains many original eco-cultures and possesses relatively unabridged spatial structure.