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这真是个在外吃烧烤的好天气。This is a perfect day for a cookout.

我会在野炊时见到你吗?To Holly Will I see you at the cookout ?

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我们要在马克家办一个户外派对。Were having a cookout over at Mark's place.

我这周末已经被邀去参加野炊…I've been invited to a cookout this weekend.

我这周末已经被邀去参加野炊。I've been invited to a cookout this weekend.

你们星期五晚上何不去野炊?。Why don't you guys come a cookout on Friday night?

假如下雨,我们必须改变我们户外烹饪聚会的计划。If it rains, we'll have to alter our plans for the cookout.

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你们星期五晚上何不去野炊?Why don't you guys come over for a cookout on Friday night?

你们星期五早晨何不去野炊?。Why donwoult you guys come over for a cookout on Friday night?

他们到那小溪边去野营,并在那儿做烧烤吃。They went camping to the stream and had a cookout to eat there.

上周我去巴克斯德尔主任家参加了一个为新来的教授在户外搞的一个野餐聚会。Last week I went to a cookout for new professors at Dean Barksdale's home.

在这个季节邀请朋友去郊外野炊。要经常这样哦!Invite friends over for the first cookout of the season. Make it a potluck!

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第二天正是父亲节,下午,父母和我到保罗家去一起外出会餐。The next afternoon, which was Father's Day, my parents and I went over to Paul's house to have a cookout.

无论是本身作为一种美味食品或者与其他食物搭配,蔬菜都是一次健康的户外烹饪的必备品。Delicious on their own or as complements to another dish, grilled veggies are must- haves for a healthy cookout.

例如,晚间崇拜后,我们举行露天烧烤,男士们烤烘大量热狗和棉花糖,然后到处分派。For example, after evening church, we have a cookout. Our guys cook hot dogs and marshmallows in bulk at the fire and then hand them around.

想想吧,周六,您的朋友过来和您出去野炊,顺便看看您新买的马,他们矗立原地,目瞪口呆的看着您的矮种马,还有您那几乎与地面亲密接触的双脚。Imagine it’s a Saturday and your friends come over for a cookout and to see your new horse, and they pull up and they see you on your pony, your feet almost touching the ground.

什么是阵亡将士纪念日?它是歇业停课的日子,是因为很多营业场所停止营业带来不便的日子,是醉酒的日子,抑或是去野餐的日子?What is Memorial Day?Is it a day off from work or school?Or is it a day of inconvenience because many places of business are closed?Is it a day to get drunk?How about a cookout?

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那天夜里,我们去了俄亥俄州尤蒂卡市附近的基恩.布兰德斯图尔农场,和两三百名农场工人及其家人一起野餐,随后来到了附近的田野,有一万人正在等候着我们。That night we went to Gene Branstools farm near Utica, Ohio, for a cookout with a couple hundred farmers and their families, then stopped in a nearby field, where ten thousand people were waiting.