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目的为探讨结节性甲状腺肿术后复发的原因。Objective To determine the recurrent reasons about tubercular goiters after operation.

目的探讨高蛋白平衡饮食对结核性胸腔积液患者临床疗效的影响。Objective To evaluate the effects of highly balanced protein diet on tubercular chest liquid.

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方法回顾分析10年来收治的结节性甲状腺肿术后复发病人36例。Methods To study the 36 cases of recurrent tubercular goiters after operation latest 10 years.

结果结节隐窝和蝶骨平台的骨质为一层薄的皮质骨。The bone of the tubercular recess and planum sphenoidale was frequently a thin layer of cortical bone.

其目的是提高结脑病人的治愈率,减少后遗症。The treatment intention is to increase the cure rate of tubercular meningitis, and to decrease the sequelaes.

按照感染的致病菌可以分为结核性和非结核性两种。May divide into the tubercular and the non-tubercular two kinds according to the infection pathogenic bacteria.

他让我们听到了船桨的嘎吱声、笔尖滑动的摩擦声和得了结核病的国王奋力的喘息声。He lets us hear the creak of oars and the scratch of pens, as well as the tubercular king fighting for every breath.

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他让我们听到了船桨嘎吱嘎吱的声音和笔尖写字时摩擦纸面的刮擦声,还有患了结核病的国王为每次呼吸而奋斗的声音。He lets us hear the creak of oars and the scratch of pens, as well as the tubercular king fighting for every breath.

脑膜炎型应与病毒性脑炎、结核性脑膜炎、中毒型菌痢相鉴别。Meningitis should with the virulent encephalitis, the tubercular meningitis, poison bacillary dysentery distinguish.

结核性子宫内膜炎是由于结核杆菌感染引起的,多继发于输卵管结核。The tubercular womb intimitis is because the bacillus tuberculosis infects causes, many following sends in the oviduct tuberculosis.

目的探讨采用抗结核治疗处理慢性结核性脑膜炎所致脑积水的可行性。Objective To explore the advisability of treating hydrocephalus after chronic tubercular tuberculous meningitis with conservative methods.

结论关节镜检查是滑膜结核早期诊断的有效手段,关节镜下滑膜切除术可清除病变滑膜,有利于局部结核病灶的控制。Synovectomy with arthroscopy can remove the pathological synovial membrane and is beneficial to the control of the local tubercular focus.

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方法回顾性分析88例老年结核性胸膜炎患者的临床资料,并与123例青年结核性胸膜炎的临床资料进行比较。Methods The clinical data of 88 aged patients with tubercular pleurisy were analyzed retrospectively, and compared with 123 cases of youth.

原有结核病灶者可扩散恶化,发生果粒性结核成结核性脑膜炎。The original tuberculosis infection may proliferate worsens, sends the crude fruit granularity tuberculosis to become the tubercular meningitis.

凯特猜想这个地方也许之前是个患结核病的富人的休养场所,现在成了由孩子们主导学习的天地。Kate guesses that this whole place was once the fresh-air retreat of a tubercular rich person, but now it’s a center of child-initiated learning.

肺结核合并结核性脑膜炎患儿的护理方法,提高治愈率。Objective To explore the nursing for patients with miliary pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by tubercular meningitis and improve the cure rate.

方法回顾性分析和总结26例粟粒型肺结核合并结核性脑膜炎患儿的护理经过。Method Nursing for 26 patients with miliary pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by tubercular meningitis was retrospectively analyzed and summarized.

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方法对14例支气管狭窄病人施行经纤维支气管镜球囊扩张术及经纤维支气管镜局部注入抗结核药物。Forteen patients with tubercular bronchial stenosis were treated by balloon dilatation through bronchfiberoscope and local injection through bronchfiberoscope.

这个憩室形成的原因推测是由于肺结核感染后形成的结核肉芽肿所产生的牵引力量。Traction force from the tubercular granuloma in the right apical lung, due to previous tuberculosis infection, was thought to be responsible for its pathogenesis.

在一位活动性肺结核的病患身上,如果发现有发烧及左上腹疼痛时,结核性脾脓疡是必需列入的诊断选项。Tubercular splenic abscess should be on the list of differential diagnoses of an active pulmonary TB patient who presents with left upper quadrant pain and fever.