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芝加哥是美国中心地带的一座全球化城市。Chicago is a global city in the heartland of America.

蒙古国的心脏地带是相对平稳的干草原。The Mongolian heartland consists of relatively flat steppes.

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采用权重定位法对VIL中心区进行定位。The location of VIL heartland is orientated by its barycenter.

在依赖工农业的中心地带,经济形势仍然糟糕。The industrial and agricultural heartland was still in bad shape.

当埃若拉回来时,他发现科吉人的中心地带没有显著改变。When Ereira returned, he found the Kogi's heartland remarkably unchanged.

然而这座城市,乃至它所在的省林堡,是威尔德斯先生的腹心地带。And yet the town, and its province of Limburg, are Mr Wilders's heartland.

它也会把主题改为强调家庭的中心价值和实用性。Instead it will emphasise the heartland values of family and practicality.

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但究竟是哪些美国的精英分子,他们不能感受痛苦和悲哀?But who are these heartland Americans who are unable to feel pain and sadness?

美国被认为是一个擅自闯入阿拉伯中心区域的特殊目标。America is deemed a special target for having trespassed on the Arab heartland.

将自己的根追溯到了美国工业化的心脏地带,梅杰似乎很高兴。Major seemed to enjoy retracing his roots to the industrial heartland of America.

美国工业腹地的钢铁生产城市在这几十年中屡遭重创。Steelmaking cities in the American industrial heartland were battered over these decades.

在这个低地的南亚国家的中心地域,有许许多多的水上交通要道纵横交错着。Hundreds of watery highways interlace the heartland of this low- lying South Asian country.

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但是我会到接近吸血鬼王国中心地区的西比尤去。But I am going to be moving on to Sibiu – a town much closer to the heartland of Vampiredom.

如果它在西方的影响下沦陷,将会成为一支直指中国中心地带的利箭。It would fall under Western influence and be an arrow pointed directly at China's heartland.

我们和全国媒体去了美国中心地带一些常常被忽视的地方。It took us, and the national media, to places in the American heartland too often overlooked.

我的母亲出生在美国的中部地区,而我父亲是一个在肯尼亚长大的放羊娃。My mother was born in the heartland of America, but my father grew up herding goats in Kenya.

在美国的心脏地带,痴迷于橄榄球的高中往往对公开的同性恋者不很友好。Football-obsessed high schools in America’s heartland tend to be unwelcoming to declared gays.

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在墨西哥内陆腹地学汉语的青少年以前绝对少见。The sight of youngsters speaking Chinese in the Mexican heartland is unusual, to say the least.

叛军宣称他们明天将打入卡扎菲上校的出生地和腹地苏尔特。The rebels claim they could be in Sirte tomorrow, Colonel Gaddafi's birthplace and his heartland.

这带来的问题远多于答案,例如,他们何以如此深入非洲腹地?This brings more questions than answers, such as how far into the heartland of Africa do they go?