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他勇敢地用拖鞋打蟑螂。He bravely slippered a cockroach.

唤作踩死一只蟑螂呢?What about stepping on a cockroach?

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他那蟑螂般的胡子在偷偷地笑His cockroach moustache seems to snicker

现在换成火焰辣奇多和蟑螂You have Flaming Hot Cheetos and a cockroach.

他在暗袋里摸索了一下。He searches his hidden pocket for the cockroach.

蟑螂属于不完全变态昆虫。The cockroach undergoes incomplete metamorphosis.

蟑螂也符合这条,还有吗Okay, the cockroach meets the criteria again. Yes?

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袁珂先生曾证蟑螂是灶神,本文作支持补说。According to Mr. Yuan Ke, cockroach is kitchen god.

门铃再次响起,那只的蟑螂站在那儿。The doorbell rang. The cockroach was standing there.

小强爬行记?是什么科普读物吗?Cockroach Is Crawling? Is it a popular science reading?

蟑螂符合这一点的,对吧Well we get a check for the cockroach on that one don't we?

在饺子里发现苍蝇。在番茄汤里发现小强。A fly was in the dumpling when a cockroach in the tomato soup.

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但是她像个疯女人一样尖叫,只是因为看到了一只蟑螂。But she screamed like a crazy woman just because of a cockroach.

吃一只蟑螂就不用排队了,你还在等什麽呢?GURNEE, Ill.- Why wait in line when you can just eat a cockroach?

于是小强又说小丁是书呆子,只动得脑,动不得手。So the cockroach and Ding Shishu fool, only the brain, not moving.

我咳嗽着吐出来,打开灯一看,是一只蟑螂。When I turned on the lights I discovered I'd coughed up a cockroach.

牛肉的ECI的比率为10,而蟋蟀则为44。Beef cattle has an ECI rate of 10 while the cockroach triumps with 44.

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跟着下面这个地址,你就能拥有活生生的灭蟑器!Follow the directions below to get your very own live cockroach eliminator!

蟑螂没有脑袋可以活9天,最后是饿死的。A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death.

好的,可以食用就是食品,那蟑螂就是食品Okay if it's 'something you can eat,' okay well that makes a cockroach food.