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非得施以永无休止的痛苦才行吗?Is the unending infliction of pain also required?

这个世界不仅仅被一条无止境的河流包围。The world isn’t surrounded by a great unending river.

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多民族是获得快乐和魅力的不涸之源。Variety is an unending source of joy and fascination.

万一读到一本坏书,那就将贻害无穷了。In the event you read one bad book, it can bring unending trouble.

赛伯亚一贫如洗,为自己无休止的不幸而悲痛地哭泣。Saibya was penniless and wept bitterly at her unending misfortunes.

大雨之日连连滴漏,和争吵的妇人一样。Like an unending dropping on a day of rain is a bitter-tongued woman.

在天边来往交错的是无尽的反重力交通流。Crisscrossing the skyline are streams of unending repulsorlift traffic.

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火车汽笛不停地嘶鸣,凯特?普里查德听着就像是被铁锤猛击了一下。The unending blast of the train horn struck Kate Pritchard like a hammer blow.

我们今天知道的大陆只不过是一个永无终正的全球舞蹈的瞬间静止的快照。The continents we know today are but a frozen snapshot of an unending global dance.

激烈的信仰需要个人的承诺和献身精神永无休止的自我剖析。Faith required intense personal commitment and a dedication to unending self-analysis.

不知羽毛的触感是否仍留在那里,在他的画中化为无尽的挑逗和欲望挥之不去?Is the beat of those feathers still there in his paintings' unending flutter of desire?

我向圣帕布帕德致以无尽的感激,因为他教导我成为一个傻瓜。I offer my unending gratitude to Srila Prabhupada because he has taught me to be a fool.

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不尽的思念,如—只断桨的小船,在我心中划过我忧伤的心海。The unending yearning, like a boat with broken oars, rows across the sea of my sad heart.

很多人对于鲁伯特•默多克新闻集团旷日持久的丑闻并不感到惊讶。Some people aren't at all surprised by the unending scandal at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.

经济增长的直接结果是造成了关于无止境繁荣的幻想。The immediate results of economic growth have created the illusion of unending prosperity.

在一段似乎永无休止的静音后,从带中听到了钥匙碰撞的叮当声。After a seemingly unending silence, the sound of keys jingling is picked up by the recorder.

梅赛德斯-奔驰总是以其超级惊人的汽车概念给广泛的受众无尽的惊喜。Mercedes-Benz is unending to surprise the wide audience by its super stunning auto concepts.

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马拉克利用煅炉源源不断地制造西斯战斗机和其它武器。Malak wielded the Forge to produce an unending supply of Sith fighters and other combat material.

人们拥有,在里面,四大要素,无止境和不断重复的玷污。Man possesses, within, the four great elements, an innumerable and unending number of defilements.

如果我们将来能够学会控制大气层中的能源,那我们将来就会有取之不尽用之不竭的能源了。If we can learn to control the energy in the atmosphere, we will have an unending supply of energy.