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米德尔赛克斯在伦敦北部。Middlesex is in the northern part of London.

在这同一年,获委任为裁判官菲尔丁的米德尔塞克斯。In this same year, Fielding was appointed magistrate for Middlesex.

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他被送到了北米德尔塞克斯医院,12点20分被宣称死亡。He was taken to North Middlesex hospital where he was pronounced dead at 12.20pm.

我申请学生签证在米德塞科斯学院学习基础的工商管理硕士学位。I have applied for a student visa to attend the MBA program of Middlesex College.

米德尔塞克斯提供在英国最好的人力资源管理教育的环境之一。Middlesex offers one of the best environments in the UK for human resource management education.

梅德尔赛克斯医院已经延迟了其中一个分院的新急诊室的建设至少一年半。Middlesex has chosen to delay a new emergency room at one of his hospitals for at least a year and half.

也许是最好的例子非宗派办法中产阶级教育米德尔塞克斯是牧师。Probably the best example of this non-sectarian approach to middle-class education in Middlesex was the Revd.

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中部城米德塞斯医院的女发言人,派格·阿瑞可,介绍说目前已有26人入院接受治疗。At Middlesex Hospital in Middletown, Peg Arico, a spokeswoman, said 26 people were brought from the site for treatment.

当其裁决在新泽西米德尔塞克斯县法庭宣判时,拉维用手捂住了嘴巴,眼睛瞪得很大。Ravi covered his mouth with his hand and his eyes widened as the verdict was read in a courtroom in Middlesex County, New Jersey.

哈特福德医院表示目前有两名伤者是从爆炸现场送来,还有一名从米德塞斯医院转送过来。Hartford Hospital said two injured people were brought directly from the explosion, in addition to one transferred from Middlesex.

2007年,当时我作为Middlesex队的队长,被管理层要求提供我最喜欢的体育名言,以便写进球队的手册里。When I was made captain of Middlesex in 2007, the administrators asked me to provide a favourite sporting quote for the team handbook.

英国密德萨斯大学的研究人员13日表示,达芬奇与毕加索之所以能够享誉全球,原因很可能是他俩都患有"阅读障碍",即无法认字或记字困难。The secret of Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso's success may have been their dyslexia, researchers from Middlesex University said Saturday.

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在一份市场实验计划中,该公司向英国米德尔塞克斯郡的Denmead学校年龄在6至8岁的学生免费发放了一批鞋。In an experimental scheme, the company has already handed out free shoes to six- to eight-year-olds at Denmead Preparatory school in Middlesex.

他的新乐团一块“铭记禅长笛与乐队”委托理事会的新泽西州米德尔塞克斯县文化和遗产。His new orchestra piece "Mindful of Zen—flute with orchestra" was commissioned by The council of New Jersey Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage.

她说自从诊断出得了癌症后没在喝过酒,而这一切是从在米德尔塞克斯郡的大学社交中受毒品和酒精的影响引起的。She says she has not touched alcohol since her diagnosis and is about to begin an MA at Middlesex University studying the effects of drugs and drink in society.

不过没关系,我在研究生院花了一年做法庭研究,并在那儿的Middlesex,DA的办公室工作,在那里,我学会了用数码相机的媒介卡,制作鉴识影像。But no matter, I spent a year in graduate school doing forensic research and working for the local Middlesex DA's office where I learned how to make a so-called forensic image of a digital camera's media card.