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我痛恨罪恶。I hate sin.

我恨桃瑞园!I hate Tara!

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我痛恨这一点。I hate this.

我们痛恨战争。We hate war.

我讨厌数学!I hate maths!

我是恨死你了!I do hate you!

我讨厌坐飞机。I hate flying.

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我们憎恨瘙痒。We hate itchy.

我讨厌的朋友。I hate Heather.

我讨厌织补活儿。I hate darning.

我腻烦开车。I hate driving.

我讨厌行李。I hate luggage.

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我讨厌我的粗手臂。I hate my arms.

我腻烦办公室。I hate offices.

我讨厌抽烟。I hate smoking.

是的,我讨厌这一点。Yes, I hate it.

我恨死他了。I hate his guts.

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我讨厌我的声音!I hate my voice!

我讨厌失约者。I hate no-shows.

我讨厌学习。I hate studying.