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看风景人在楼上看你。A sightseer from upstairs watches you.

看风景的人在楼上看你。The sightseer on the tower watches you.

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看风景人在楼上看你。As a sightseer watched you from a tower.

看风景人在楼上看你。The sightseer watches you from the balcony.

观光者叹息着盛赞这条公路.The sightseer speaks highly of the highway with sigh.

我看这个观光者的视力似乎不适合观光。I see the sightseer ' eyesight seems not good for sightseeing.

前来的观光客每天好包装,加上衬垫,和一流的形状有点经验,我的眼睛。The Sightseer arrived to day well packed, well padded, and in superb shape to my somewhat inexperienced eye.

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这即使从“初学者”到“高级业余天文学家”,从偶然的观星者到宇宙的痴迷者的转变。Such a project often marks the transformation from "beginner" to "advanced amateur, " from casual sightseer to cosmic fanatic.

偶尔会有一两个游客毫无目的的走过,谁都没有注意到发生的不同寻常的事。Occasionally a sightseer would appear and wander aimlessly by, but of all who passed none was aware that anything extraordinary had occurred.

瞩目于时空的种种转换,抒情主体以一“看风景人”超然物外的姿态,叩问“相对”,寻求超越。With the keen interest in shifts between time and space, the poet, as a "sightseer", has been exploring transcendence of relativism in a disinterested manner.