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我是智力迟钝,还是乐极生悲?。Am I retard? Or am I just overjoyed?

我就是这样干的,聪明点,可别做个窝囊废That's what I did, be smart, don't be a retard

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我能用支票戓信用卡吗?Can I disburse by retard alternatively honor card?

缺乏阳光会妨碍大多数植物的生长。Lack of sunlight will retard the growth of most plants.

他们还用它来防治日光灼伤,以及延缓衰老过程。They also used it for sunburns and to retard the aging process.

泡沫剂可以减缓气驱中的气窜和重力超覆现象。Foam can retard gas channeling and gravity override in gas flooding.

理解你的组织中有哪些阻碍变革的力量。Understand the forces in your organization that drive and retard change.

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我郑重地发誓,绝不让任何事情妨碍我新生命的成长。And I make a solemn oath to myself that nothing will retard my new life's growth.

作为一名学龄前儿童,这个沙色头发的孩子被其他小孩嘲笑为“弱智”。As a preschooler, the small sandy-haired child was taunted as a "retard" by other kids.

添加的防静电剂能有效防止产生新的污垢和灰尘积聚。Additional antistatic action will considerably retard new soiling and attraction of dust.

正在进行之中的金融危机可能以两种方式阻碍欧盟成员的进一步扩张。The ongoing financial debacle could retard further expansion of EU membership in two ways.

为了寻找能阻滞锝、碘迂移的地质材料。In order to look for some geologic materials that can retard technetium and iodine on them.

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显然,我们也可以放慢音乐的速度,这时的术语叫做,渐慢Obviously, we would be retarding the music, ritardando or a retard at that particular point.

反应体系中加入高介电常数的溶剂不利于邻苯二酚的叔丁基化。The addition of solvent with high dielectric-constant would retard catechol tert-butylation.

结论高频电刀可使胆系手术切口愈合延迟率明显增加。Conclusions High-frequency electric knives may remarkable retard the incision of biliary system.

此柱内所装的各种吸附材料可以选择性地阻滞试样的各种组分。The column is packed with adsorbent materials which selectively retard the components of the sample.

结论高频电刀可使胆系手术切口愈合延迟率明显增加。Conclusions High-frequency electric knives may remarkable retard the incision healing of biliary system.

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在本文第三章中,我们研究了一个带有时滞的、未知函数项带有方幂的积分不等式组。In the third chapter, we discuss an integral inequalities system with retard and unknown functions of power.

垄作栽培与传统平作栽培在同等节水条件下有利于提高小麦深层根系活力,延缓旗叶衰老。It was beneficial to improve root activity of deep soil layers and retard the senescence of flag leaf in BP.

一个法拉第旋光器固定不动,调节一个伯列克补偿器的相位延迟来实施相位补偿。A Faraday rotator is fixed and the phase retard of a Berek compensator is adjusted to compensate the phase of the laser.