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一个上了面部磨砂的女人推着轮床在我身边走过。A woman in scrubs steered a gurney around us.

他们将亚历克西斯所卧的有轮子的病床,推入一辆等候的绿色运动型跑车中。They roll Alexis’ gurney to the waiting green SUV.

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他们将那个冰冻的身躯滑移至不锈钢轮床上。They slid the frozen body onto a stainless steel gurney.

后来,我在手术室外面的轮床上等候时,因为恐惧而哭泣。Later as I waited on a gurney outside the operating room I wept with fear.

神父、牧师两人同时低头看躺在轮床上浑身打着石膏的拉比。They both look down at the rabbi, who is lying on a gurney in a body cast.

美国国会元老乔瑟夫·葛尼·卡农即将退出公众生活。Joseph Gurney Cannon, grand old man of Congress, will retire from public life.

一位工作人员推着一架轮床来为她开路,然后假装惊异地挑起他的眼眉。A worker maneuvering a gurney clears her path and lifts his eyebrows in mock amazement.

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失血,疼痛和那张冰冷的铁床令她直打冷战。The loss of blood, the pain, and the cold metal of the gurney chilled her and she started to shiver.

把她从轮床上抬上病床时,她的丈夫比尔焦虑不安地站在旁边。Her husband, Bill, stood nervously nearby as she was transferred from the gurney to the hospital bed.

修正的古尼公式可用来计算二维抛板的极限速度。Therevised Gurney Formula may be used to calculate the limit speed of two-dimensional projected plate.

护士推着担架床进了电梯,准备将病人送入外科重症监护病房。The nurses wheeled the gurney into the elevator, to bring their patient to the Surgical Intensive Care Unit.

这里,我们可以看到米洛懒洋洋地躺在一个貌似是担架的东西上。米洛穿着一身“客场球衣”。Here we observe the Miro lounging on what appears to be a gurney. The Miro is dressed in what is known as an "away kit".

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因为检查的器械在医院对面的一幢建筑中,所以我就要穿过庭院,躺在轮床上被推到那里。The required machines were located in a building at the opposite end of the hospital, so I had to be wheeled across the courtyard on a gurney.

另外的就是在后定风翼的剖面上的制造一个额外的轮床突出物,用于在这个弯道较多的布达佩斯赛道提供额外的抓地力,特别是在低速的弯角処。Among others is an extra Gurney tab on the rear wing's exit profile, designed to provide extra grip out of this circuit's tight, low-speed corners.

用低速风洞测力试验和襟翼处绕流的PIV测量试验研究锯齿形格尼襟翼在不同偏角下的增升效益。Force and PIV local flow measurements were conducted in a low speed wind tunnel to study the effectiveness of serrated Gurney flap at different deflections.

她被抬上担架来到了救护车里她选举的地方,一个选举鉴定人和协助人员带着电子投票机爬上了救护车使她能进行投票。She arrived at her polling place on a gurney in an ambulance, where an election judge and support worker climbed aboard with an electronic voting machine and let her cast her ballot.

最后值得注意的是,新的后扰流板,这是向前迈进,以实际减少后方的下压力,但重新夺回一些它由一个“格尔尼皮瓣”建于顶端的机翼。Finally of note is the new rear spoiler, which has been moved forward to actually decrease rear downforce, but reclaims some of it by way of a " Gurney flap" built in to the top of the wing.

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校舍都是水泥地面,上面铺着油毡,里面没有楼梯,取而代之,每一层都有两个斜坡,便于轮床上下,两个斜坡互成180度的角。The floors were all concrete linoleum and instead of stairs in the building there were two gurney ramps per floor, at 180 degree angles from each other that traversed you through the levels.

穆罕默德,15,是来自切斯特山高,在那里他是一个学生,当白色的霍顿由他的朋友阿卜杜勒Zreika,15,驱动出场格尼路昨天下午3点刚过短距离。Mohamed, 15, was a short distance from Chester Hill High, where he was a student, when the white Holden Commodore driven by his friend Abdul Zreika, 15, came off Gurney Road just after 3pm yesterday.