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我们断言理性是人类的属性。We predicate rationality of man.

主情主义有其内在的合理性。Emotionalism has its inherent rationality.

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同时,“两规”也具有现实合理性。"Two regulation" is also the reality of rationality.

对合理性的歪曲最常见的形式是哪两种?What are the two most common myths about rationality?

如今,每一个人似乎各自都有对合理性的理解。It seems as if everyone has an opinion on rationality.

拥有理性是人类的最高成就。Rationality is the crowning achievement of our species.

免费"这个词把我们脑子里的理智全甩光了。That word 'free' just shakes all rationality out of us.

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在这样的紧要关头没有合理的保证。There is no guarantee of rationality in these showdowns.

韦伯的形式法治直接导源于他的形式合理性。Formal law of Weber's comes from formal rationality directly.

第二章对保险代位权理论基础的合理性置疑。Chapter Two Doubt on the rationality of theoretical foundation.

人民群众的心理向背是执政道德合理性的根本之所在。The popular will is the key to the moral rationality of ruling.

反规避条款有其存在的合法性和合理性。The anti-circumvention clause has its' validity and rationality.

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但是接下来就不仅仅是理性那么简单了However, the next slice down requires more than just rationality.

威尔逊不仅讨论了这些行为合理与否。Wilson does more than argue for the rationality of such behaviors.

非理性比较接近本我,是对理性的反动。Non-rationality is closer to id, and a counter-reaction to rationality.

第三章为保障自由心证合理性的具体制度考察。The third part is the guarantee of the rationality of free proof system.

但当所有的感性連结起來的时候,理性就又变成弱小的。But when all perceptions link time, the rationality turns small and weakly.

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他们梦想建立一个以享乐、理性和共鸣为基础的乌托邦。They dreamt of a Utopia built on pleasure-seeking, rationality and empathy.

古代希腊社会是理性发达的世俗社会。Ancient Greece society is a common customs society in developed rationality.

被迫行为作为一种可宽恕的辩护事由,有其科学合理之处。As a defensive matter that is excusable , the duress has its own rationality.